
Decay Constant for Spontaneous Fission of U238 - 9/63

Neutron Total & Absorption Cross Sections of 242Pu - 6/68

Evaluation and Compilation of Pu-239 Cross Section Data for the ENDF/B Files - 12/66.
Examen Critique Des Valeurs De - (all in French)
Multilevel Analysis of the Pu-239 Cross Sections Below 40 cV - 7/67
Tabulation of the Total Neutron Cross Section of 232U - 1966-1967
Evaluation & Compilation of Neptunium-237 Cross Section Data for ENDF-B File - 5/69
Capture Cross Section of 238Pu from Persimmon. Tabulation of Values 8/72
238U Neutron Elastic-Scattering Cross Sections from 6.44-8.56 MeV - 6/73
New Total Neutron Cross. Section Mcasurement of Uranium between 0.5 - 4.35 MeV - 5/70
Neutron Spectrum Measurements in Depleted Uranium Metal Block for Investigating
Discrepant U238 Cross-Sections - 5/73
Quelques Remarques Sur L’Evaluation Des Sections Efficaces Neutronicques de 239Pu 5/73
The Total Neutron Cross Section of Boron 10 between 90 and 420 keV - 4/73
The n-d Breakup Reaction and the n-n Scattering Length - 2/73
Nuclear Data for High Energy Neutron Damage Sources - 4/78
Nuclear Data and Measurements Series - 4/78

238U Neutron Induced Fission Cross Sect. for Incident Neutron Energies between 5 eV and

3.5 MeV - 3/79
Evaluation of Uranium-235 Neutron Cross Section Data for Energies above 15 kev - 1/70
A Tabulation of the Fission Cross Section of 237Np from Physics 8 - 9/71
A Memoon a and the Inelastic Scattering Cross Section of 94Pu239 up to 250 KeV - 6/70
Calculation of Lattice Parameters & Criticality for Uniform Water Moderated Lattices - 9/63
Eval. of 239Pu Cross Sections in Resonance Region for ENDF/B Version III Data File 12/71
218 Group Neutron Cross Section Library in AMPX Master Interface Format for Criticality
Safety Studies - 7/76
Sample Probl. for 218 Group Neutron Cross Section Library in AMPX Master Interface

Format - 3/78
A Review of Measurements of the Fission Cross Ssection of U235 - 7/60

Preliminary Actinide Evaluation for ENDF/B-V - 3/77
Resolved Resonance Integrals at 0 degrees K for U235 - 10/62
Total Neutron Cross Sections of U-233 and U-235 from 0.02 to 0.08 ev - 11/59
Evaluated Nuclear Data for Hydrogen in the ENDF/B-II Format - 2/71
1H(n,n)1H Scattering Observables Required for High Precision Fast Neutron Measurements
Multilevel ... Sections of 23Na and Ca below 1 MeV - 5/70

Report to the AEC Nuclear Cross Section Advisory Committee - 10/71
Cross Section for the Reaction 238U(n,y)239U in the Energy Range 0.12-7.6 MeV - 1/64

The Interaction of 0.15- to 1.0-MeV Neutrons with U-238, U-235, and Pu-239 - 4/57

Energy Spectra of Neutrons Inelastically Scattered by 238U - 1957

Select target paragraph3