
The Calculation of the Cross Section for 238 U (n,y) 239U int he Energy Range 10 keV-3

MeV- 1965

Neutron Transmission Measurements and Resonance Parameters in Pu-240 - 1957

MTR Fast Chopper Total Cross Sections of Pu240 - 1957
An Evaluation & Compilation of the Fission and Capture Cross Sections of 239Pu in the
Ranergy Range 25 kev - 15 Mev - 1970
Neutron Cross Sections for 239 Pu and 240 Pu in the Energy Range - 1 KeV to 14 MeV -


Evaluated Neutron Cross Sections of Pu-240 for the ENDF/B File - 1968

Measurements of Prompt v in Fast Neutron Fission of U238 Induced by Neutrons from 1.5
to 15 Mev - 1964

A Review of Measurements of the Fission Cross Section of U-235 - 1959
Lectures on Fast Reactors - 1978

Foreign Experience on Effects of Extended Dry Storage on the Integrity of Spent Nuclear
Fuel - 1991
Preliminary Feasibility Study of an Advanced PWR Employing a Radial Blanket and Zircaloy
Core Baffles and Formers - 1981
Multi Level Effects in Reactor Calculations and The Probability Table Method - 1973
Conversion of 238Pu and 252 Cf Production Chain Cross Section Data to ENDF/B-IV
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The Fission Cross Section of U232 from 4eV to 400eV - 1963
Investigations of the Interactions of Neutrons with 238U Nuclei - 1980

Neutron Total and Scatterin Cross Sections of 6Li in the Few MeV Region 1980
Thermal Neutron Calibration of a Tritium Extraction Facility Using the

6Li(n,t)}4He/197Au(n,y)198Au Cross Section Ratio for Standaridation - 1980

Select target paragraph3