Alternatives for Managing Wastes from Reactors and Post-Fission Operations in the LWR
Fuel Cycle - 5/76
Computational Benchmark Problem forDeep Penetration in Iron - LNLL - 1/80
The Development & Appl. of a Coupled Monte Carlo Neutron-Photon Transport Code - 7/72
A Review of the Theory & Application of Monte Carlo Methods - Seminar ORNL 4/80
Vectorized Monte Carlo Photon Transport - LNLL - 5/83
Implementation of DYMACSys. at New Los Alamos Plutonium Processing Facility - 8/82
Calculated Critical Parameters in Simple Geometries for Oxide & Nitrate Water Mixtures of
U-233, U-235 and Pu-239 with Thorium - 11/79
RSIC Computer Code Collection - 4/77
International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced NPPs - 4 volumns - 10/92
Production of Actinide Isotopes in Simulated PWR Fuel and Their Influence on Inherent


Neutron Emission - 7/82

Reactor Safety Research - Semiannual Report 1-6/86
Columbia River Basin Fish & Wildlife Program - 1987
A Measurementof the Capture toFission Ratio for 239Pu - 11/69

Evaluation of Neutron Cross Sections for 244Cm, 246Cm, and 248Cm - 1/77

A Survey of Published Values of int he Fast Fission of U238 - 6/60
AEC Research and Development Report - 12/59
Actnide Newsletter - 3.81
U238 Cross Sections & Their Temperature Depdendence - 6/58
Low-Energy Neutron Resonance Parameters of 238U - 3/66

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