

N Reactor Letter to Sec. Herrington/DOE - 10/3/86
Soviet Union Economic Affiars - JPRS Report - 6/89
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis - The RBMK Reactors - 2/84
Utilitizing the Reactor Installations at the Novovoronezh Atomic Electric Power Plant-1973

ATOMENERGOEXPORT- glossy pictures

Moving to Defenses through the Defense-Protected Build-Down (DPB) - 7/86
Epilogue: Second Thoughts on the Defensive Transition- 6/86
An Evolving SDIUSSR Report:- Construction and Related Industries - 2/13/86

USSR Report - Military Affairs - 5/15/85

Glossary of Selected Russian Terminology - (very hard to read - not copied very well)

Automated Ctl of Nucl. Fuel Use in a Nucl. Power Station Containing the RBMK - 7/01/87

Joint Determination of Concentrations of 222Rn & 220Rn Decay Products in Air 7/1/87
Physiocochemical Foundations of Bituminization of Liquid Radioactive Wastes ... NPP
with RBMK Reactor and the Properties of the Compounds Formed- 7/1/87
Method of Pair Exchange of Fuel Assemblies and Its Use in Optimizing the Energy
Distribution of Water-Cooled/Water-Moderated Reactors - 7/1/87
Fuel Burn Up Fraction in RBMK-1000 Reactor - 7/1/87
Soviets Reappraise RBMK Safety - 9/2/87
Press Reports 1986

Vugraphs - 1990 - 1991

Air Storage Peaking Power Plants - 5/73

Compilation of Actinide Neutron Nuclear Data - Stockhold 1979
Report on U.S. Program of Technical Assistance to Safeguards of the [AEA (POTAS) - 1981

Intl Conference on Underground Pumped Hydro and Compressed Air Energy Storage - 1982
Costs & Cost Algorithms for Dry Cooling Tower Systems - 9/76
Improvement of the Environmental & Economic Characteristics of Cooling Towers - 6/30/75
Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations for Thermal Reactors - 10/11/67
Conceptual Study of Remotely Operated Plant to Fabricate (Th, U-233)02 Pellet Fucls - 3/80
Conceptual Study of a Remotely Op. Plant to Fabricate (Th, U-233)02 Pellet Fucls - 4/80
ENFORM II: Calculational System for LWR Logistics & Efflucnt Analysis - 9/79
Reprocessing Requirements for the FBR Program & Fuel Cycle - 3/82
Alternative Processes for Plutonium Isotope Separation - 1/87
Eval. Operational Safety at B&W Plants - Vol 1 - Idaho National Eng Lab - 10/87
Report of the Nonproliferation Alternative Systems Assessment Program - 6/80
Feedwater Transient and Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analyses for the Bellefonte
Nuclear Plant - Idaho National Eng Lab - 3/87
A Shielding Calculational System for Plutonium - 8/75

Select target paragraph3