being a Military Air Transport Service

(MATS) unit.

One mam

whose unit

is not identifed received the maximum exposure of the Enewetlak group.
Ent AFB, Colorado.

Five officers from this base, headquarters

Defense Command, were badged with TG 7.4, but their functionB
been identified.

Their recorded exposures are higher than

expected for simple liaison functions or observers.


the Air
have not.
uld be

this base had served in IVY as radsafe personnel.
Hamilton AFB, California.
cations Service

of the TSU.


Two men from the 190lst Airways and Adr CommnuniDetachment served in the Communications Element

One received an exposure of 5 to 10 R.

Hickam AFB, Territory of Hawaii.
47th Air Transport Squadron.

Seven men.

49th Air Transport Squadron.

Eight men.

5lst Air Transport Squadron.

Three men.

57th Strategic Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.
Documentary Photo Element.

Hq, TSUP.*

Twelve men.

Five men.

Unidentified Unit.

Twenty-three men.


One hundred thirty-four men.

The largest contingent of personnel from this base is not listled as

being affiliated with any unit, so it is not possible to discuss its
function and consequent exposure.

Five exposures of 5 to 10

recorded; two other exposures exceeded 9.0 R.


Identifiable arbas of

participation include air transport, weather reconnaissance, afhd docu-

mentary photo activity for the TSU (Provisional) of TG 7.4.
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.
Aq Special Weapons Center.

4926th Test Squadron.

Two men.

One hundred fifteen men.

4932nd Test Support Squadron.
Unidentified Unit.

One man.

Thirteen men.

* The initials "TSUP" presumably are for Test Services Unit (Providional),
although they also could be for Test Support Unit (Provisional).


Select target paragraph3