Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota.
77th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron.
Unidentified Unit.

Fifteen men.

Ten men.

The 77th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (SRS) was subor inate to
the 28th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing

(SRW) at Ellsworth.



sonnel orders (SO#1) issued by the 28th SRW on 4 January l 54 at Ellsworth AFB named 18 men from the 77th SRS, 5 men from the 2 th Armament
and Electrical Maintenance Squadron, 5 men from the 28th F eld Main-

tenance Squadron, and 2 men from the 28th Periodic Mainten nce Squadron for duty as CASTLE participants.

The 77th SRW flew an RB-36 air-

craft for sampler control and documentary photography miss
the other squadrons maintained the aircraft.

These units

re part of

the TAU.


(APO 187).
4930th Test Support Group.

Twenty-nine men.

493lst Test Support Squadron.

Forty~one men..

4932nd Test Support Squadron.

Ninety-eight men.

50th Air Transport Squadron.

One man.

1500th Air Transport Squadron.
1500-3 Air Base Wing.

Unidentified Unit.

Eleven men.

Four men.

Thirty men.

APO 187, Enewetak, was the home station given by the units

The first three are identical to the elements of TG 7.4 Test

Support Unit (TSuU)

that operated the Enewetak airfield, pr viding

Enewetak and Enewetak-Bikini airlift for the task force.

The 4930th

Group was the headquarters element of the 493lst Squadron,

hich oper-

ated the aircraft, and the 4932nd Squadron, which operated

he air-

field service.

The 493lst Squadron shows more exposures in the higher

ranges, undoubtedly due to flight operations in contaminate


The 50th and 1500th Air Transport Squadrons were involv d with the
logistic flights into the PPG and the personnel exposures a

The 1500-3 Air Base Wing was also involved in ai






Select target paragraph3