Kirtland is the home base of the Air Force Special Weapons


which was the parent organization of several elements of TB 7.4.
4926th Squadron operated the F-84 sampler aircraft.


The s ingle 4932nd

Squadron representative may be a stray from the Enewetak 1 ist or may
actually have been based at Kirtland AFB.
Lookout Mountain AFS, California.

Two LML men listed in TG 7.4, along

with the larger group badged with TG 7.1, provided documen tacy photo

March AFB, California.

The 57th Strategic Reconnaissance Squac ron has

three men listed but their function has not been identified.

57th SRS related to the 57th Strategic Weather Reconnaissa
Maxwell AFB,

How the

e Squadron

(Hickam AFB), if at all, is not clear.

Two men from the Air University are lis

d but

their function has not been established.
McClellan AFB, California.
Team 101.

Six men.


55th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.
Unidentified Unit.

One man.

One man.

Team 101 men were all associated with radioactive sample

enppyses con-

ducted at McClellan AFB.
Scott AFB, Tllinois.

One man from this base was badged with TG 7.4, but

his function has not been identified.
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma.

The 6th Weather Squadron provided weathe


for the Weather Reporting Element of the TSU of TG 7.4, inc

ding the

25 Air Force men exposed to BRAVO fallout on Rongerik.

n men are


listed on the Consolidated List for this Rongerik contingen , but it
has been established in Chapter 4 that this list is incompl

e and

contains one name improperly listed.

in Table

86, this has been corrected.


In the exposures give

Select target paragraph3