2. Thirty security trailers emphasizing the need to guard against carelessness were made
for the purpose of showing to Task Groups in the Forward Area.
3. Operation Tigercat. Documentary coverage was made of the TG 7.4 dress rehearsal
for Operation Castle at San Diego, Calif., in October 1953.
(0) Final Requirements
Complete documentary motion picture and still coverage of Operation Castle was required
and obtained to produce the following:
1. Six “Quickies” (one for each shot), Each Quickie contained a description of the device
used, major instrumentation utilized, operational difficulties encountered, anticipated results,
and actual results. Narration in all cases was restricted to Maj Gen P. W. Clarkson,
Alvin C, Graves, or a member of TG 7.1. These Quickies were primarily intended to bea
method of informing the top officials of the AEC and the White House of the progress made in
the Forward Area, and Classification was Top Secret Restricted Data. This program was
sponsored by JTF SEVEN, and print distribution was limited to two prints for DMA, Washington,
D. C., and one print for CJTF SEVEN.
2. Task Force Commander’s Report. This was a consolidated factual report narrated by
Maj Gen Clarkson and Dr. Graves, summarizing the operational problems, expectations, and

results of Operation Castle. Classification was Secret Restricted Data. This program was
sponsored by JTF SEVEN, and exact print distribution is to be determined later.
3. Department of Defense Picture. This was sponsored by JTF SEVEN with emphasis on
military participation and military effects as related to high-yield devices. It was intended as
a i.aining film. Classification is Secret Restricted Data, and exact print distribution will be
determined later.
4. Public Release Picture. This was sponsored by AEC and was Unclassified. The purpose
was to inform the public of the recent tests conducted at the PPG, and print distribution will be

determined at a later date.
5. Cloud-study Photography. Rate of rise and spread of nuclear cloud from time zero to
zero + 1Y, hr. Footage was exposed from four separate aircraft orbiting around point zero and

then around the cloud as it dispersed. Sponsored by AFSWP. Photography and processing by

- TU-9 and interpretation by EG&G.
6. Crater-survey Photography. Oblique and vertical motion-picture photographyof all
craters was made. Photography and processing was done by TU-9, and interpretation was done
by Army Map Service, with final evaluation by Stanford Research Institute.
7. Base-surge Photography. High-altitude coverage of base surge was carried out.
8. All film exposed on Operation Castle, both still and motion picture, is being catalogued
and indexed. Cataloguing is being accomplished by the use of the microfilm process with one
copy of the final catalogue distributed to LASL, Los Alamos, N. Mex., and one copy to AFSWP,
Washington, AFSWP is to be the coordinating authority for additional prints required by DOD
agencies of any stock footage shown in the catalogue.

(a) Wheeler Laboratory. The requirement for Quickie type films containing live photography and synchronized sound necessitated a radical operational change so that delivery in
Weshington could be accomplished five to seven days after each shot. This change consisted
of the acquisition of a laboratory at Wheeler Field, Oahu, T. H., and staffing it with TU-9
personne] to cut transportation time required for ZI processing. This laboratory functioned
above expectations and averaged 9 hr processing time from receipt of shot footage until required prints were ready for return to the Forward Area. The adoption of this procedure
saved an estimated 36-hr in-transit time which would have been required if work had been accomplished at Lookout Mountain and thereby permitted TU-9 to meet all Washington delivery
dates on schedule.
TU-9 were based on both Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls. This divided effort was necessitated

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(o) Bikini-Eniwetok Operations. During the early portion of Operation Castie, elements of

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