(b) Recommendations. The test MPE should be bes:4 on calerdar quarters of 3.9 rari
should consider the preparatury phises as well as the opevational phases of the overs.35 test,

A pool of experienced monitors must be mace availabie to the Rad-Safe Unit to supnurct

independent construction operations and supplement project-monitor activities.
Personnel-procurement plannirg should be initiated at least one year prior to operations,
and personnel should be selected for training at least four months prior to operations.



The following were the assigned responsibilities of TU-8 during Operation Castle:
1, To make all negatives necessary to provide full report coverage for TG 7.1 scientific
programs, units, and staff sections in black and white and color still and motion pictures.
2. To provide construction, accident, and general record coverage.
3. To make technical documentary records in still and motion pictures of each opevation.
4. To provide facilities and aid to scientists in the processing of scientific photogranhic
5. To store, issue, process, and account for technical documentary film in accordance
with security and classification instructions.
These responsibilities were fulfiiled. To implement the necessary coverage, 17 men were
phased in and out of the Forward Area from Graphic Arts in Los Alamos. Individual phasing
cycles approximated six weeks. In addition to these men, six military men were assigned to
TU-8 Forward. After the first shot two photographers operated under a section leader from
the ships based at Bikini.
Statistics are as follows:
4200 black and white negatives were made, and two prints were made from each negative.
700 color transparencies were made, including those made at Kwajalein for Project 4.1.

15,000 ft of 16-mm stock footage was made.

TU-8 processed many units of scientific records and provided darkroom space, equipment,
and supplies to many scientific groups.




Operation Castle was documented on film, both still and motion picture, aerial, ground, a4
underwater, as a basis for a photogyaphic record for historical purposes and subject matter ¢ a considerable number of motion pictures depicting the scope and conduct of various phases
Operation Castle,

0 oe


Organization and Command Relation

The Joint Chiefs of Staff at the request of CJTF SEVEN established a military requirement for the USAF Lookout Mountain Laboratory to support Operation Castle, and Headquarters
USAF approved its employment to organize and support.a technical photographic unit (TU-9) as
part of TG 7.1.



(a) Preliminary Requirements
1. Photography of General Clarkson, Dr. Graves, Admiral Bruton, and General Estes
delivering security lectures was taken and used for showing in the Forward Area to all Task


Select target paragraph3