primarily by the account of activity occurring simultaneously at both atolls, but transpertation
problems for men and equipment were a contrituting factor, The main disadvestauvze to this
split activity was the inability to pool equipment for joint use. Occupancy of the Eninman complex was concluded earlier than expected, after which all TU-9 operations were carried on from
aboard ship or from Parry Island,
(ce) Growid Crews, A total of five camera crews and one syne sound crew exposed tha
bulk of the footag2 on Operation Castle. Each camera crew was avs.iented by one still phote.
raphe:, was mobile, and was completely equipped. The maximum camber of Lookout Mour:ain
Laboratory personnel overseas at any one time was 50. Personne! were returned to the Zi as
soon as the workload permitted.
(a) Aerial Crews,

Three C-54 aircraft were obtained on loan from MATS and modified at

Norton Air Force Bisa to accept camera racks and assecctated equipment fabricated at Lockout
Mountain. One RB~-36 provided the platform for the high -altitud: cloud studies. All fouc aircraft participated in one practice mission prior to depa cture from the ZI and one practica mis-

sion before the first shot. No C-54 aircraft aborted on any of the photographic missions.

Remote Installations

Six remote caméra installaticis were utilized on most shots. These installations were
designed and fabricated by Lookout Mountain and were located at various strategic points
adjacent to Ground Zero, yet so positioned to facilitate recovery by helicopter or M-boat.
Owing to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of TU-9 (heavy fall-out, irradiation
of film, tidal waves, inability to recover, etc.}, not all footage obtained was utilizable. That
which was salvaged, however, yielded some photography.

Film Exposed

As of May 15, 1954, the following amountof film, both still and motion picture, had been
exposed during Operation Castle:

16~mm KCO
16-mm B/W

35~mm B/W motion picture
35-mm EK motionpicture

4x 5 B/W stills

K-20 B/W
K-20 EK

23,100 ft
20,100 ft

3,540 ea

150 ea
150 ea

K-20 and K-24 EK 544 x 514

3,360 ea

24 x


4x5 EK still


83,600 ft
64,600 ft

9%, x 9% EK
94, x 914 BW
2, BW
24, EK

732 ea



created for the purpose of carrying out diagnostic measurements upon the
“shots. Some personnel of TU-12 assisted TU-1 in making some
specific measurements upon the’ shot for LASL. Thd
shot was deleted from

the Castle schedule; therefore no measurements were made on it. The work of this Task Unit

was organized under four programs. Program 21, Radiochemistry, in cooperation with LASL

Program 11, made measurements on all the shots at Operation Castle. The summary of the

techniques and results of this program, as well as those of the other programs, is given in
Sec, 2.3. Program 22, Reaction History, was to carry out the Ganex, Tenex, and alpha measurements onf
a , Program 23, Scientific Photography, attempted to



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