also interim reports on the results of the Military Effects projects. One member of the Classification Office spent some time in a technical editing capacity on scientific reports.


Roll-up or the redeployment of TG 7.1 from the PPG to the ZI commencedshortly after
n Mar. 1, 1954, and continued through the latter part of May 1954. Personnel moved tothe1United States in a steady ‘stream during March, April, and early May, and

after detonation’ _
{on May 14, 1954, the remaining personnel phased out rapidly. Property roll-up proceeded in much the same manner; property and materials no longer required
were returned at the earliest practicable date.

Phase-out of Personnel

Estimates regarding the phase-out of personnel were obtained from the monthly status reports submitted by the various elements of the Task Group throughout the latter part of 1953.
The statement of concept of operations issued on Oct. 20, 1953, planned for the last detonation
to take place on April 22, and, consequently, all personnel phase-out estimates were predicted
upon that schedule.
Despite schedule changes the over-all rate of personnel ;!.ase-out through March and April
was approximately as predicted in 1953, although particular individuals or units may have
changed plans several times. The predictions made in 1953 envisioned the Task Group strength
on April 24 (two days after the final test as conceived on October 20) to 67 per cent of the peak
of February; in actuality, the April 24 strength was 63 per cent of the February peak. From

this date on personnel phase-out was directly related to the completion of the remaining tests,
. The Headquarters Commandant at Parry Island made all the necessary arrangements for
the departure of each individual. This included endorsement of orders, MATS reservations,
reservations for personnel traveling from Hawaii to the mainland via commercial carrier, and
clearance from various offices on Parry Island. It was at first planned that at least four days’
notification of departure be given the Headquarters Commandant. However, due to the rapidly
changing situation and operational necessity, this four-day notification was waived as a requirement, and many persons were processed with 12 hr or less advance notice.
The great majority of the Task Group personnel were airlifted by MATS to Hickam. The
military personnel and government-employed civilians continued on to Travis Air Force Base
on MATS, whereas nongovernment civilians proceeded via commercial carrier from Hawail.
A few of the Task Group people traveled back from the Forward Area by MSTS and naval vessel.
The decrease in population is shown graphically in Fig. 3.3.

Property Roll-up

The property roll-up of TG 7.1 can be divided into two phases: first, the gradual phase-out
of property during the actual operational stage and, second, the final complete rcli-up after
The first phase took care of equipment that was excess or had served its operational purpose and included all the equipment of UCRL, Since they were able to roll up all of their projects, with the exception of a small cheinistry group,,

Property from the first phase was returned to the ZI on theDalton
Victory andtheLéo,MSTS

cargo vessels,
final phase of roll-up actually began shortly!_
and was to continue|
The following MSTS cargo vessels were scheduled to move the remainder of
‘the property to the ZI: Sgt Gammon, May 17, 1954; Pvt Merrill, May 30, 1954; and Pvt Joe EB.
Mann, June 25, 1954.


Select target paragraph3