
port Service (MSTS) was required to provide surface lift between the West Coast and PPG for

ordinary freight including. trailers, boats, and vehicles.

Although the over-all basic requirements were fairly well known early in 1953, it was late

in the year before the details of most of them were ironed out. For example, February planning
for sampling contemplated the use of B-57’s, F-84G’s, B-36’s, and a B-52 if one were included
in the DOD effects program. By October it was apparent that there was little chance of any
B-57’s being ready for Castle, and a need had arisen for some fairly low-level sampling on
each shot by a B-29. No B-52 was assigned to effects tests.
Ir April a monthly status report system was established which was used to determine
support requirements other than technical and construction requirements of the various projects. Construction requirements were handled directly between the projects and Section J-6.
Detailed housing, weather, and vehicle requirements were ready in July, and requirements for
landing craft, trailer movements, transportation of nuclear components, and sample return
were ready in October.
An aircraft positioning meeting was held at Los Alamos in October 1953 to establish an
organization and program to enable CTG 7.1 to carry out his responsibilities in connection
with recommending safe pesitions for aircraft at shot time while meeting, in so far as practicable, requirements for acquiring data and operational requirements. This was the first of
raany-meetings for this purpose, most of which were held between shots in the Forward Area.
Fequired phasing of major elements of military support was concluded in December.
Determination of all these requirements represented months of negotiation and accumulation of infurmation; most requirements chaized in at least a minor degree as the cencept and
schedules changed and better planning information became availahle.

Training and Rehearsals

Details of training are covered as appropriate in the reports of the various programs,

projects, and Task Units. Extensive training of personnel and testing of equipment went on
before movement overseas and continued at PPG. TG 7.1 was represented in the full-scale
Air Task Group rehearsal, Operation Tigercat, off San Diego in October 1953. A Task Force
rehearsal preceded the first shot. Projectwise and frequencywise the participation was com- .
plete. Evacuation was not rehearsed. For a numberof days before each shot, dry runs of the
timing and firing system were held once or twice a day.
Operations for which timing was important, such as recovery operations and key operations

scheduled for D—1 day, were rehearsed as often as necessary to determine the actual time required and to decrease that time as practicable,





Information regarding the expected number of personnel to be present in the Forward Area

during Operation Castle was obtained from the monthly status reports submitted prior to

forward movement by the various units of the Task Group. These population figures were subdivided by location into the following general categories: sites at Bikini Atoll, sites at Eniwetok

Atoll, and shipboard space. Detailed compilations were prepared showing the estimated weekly
population at any location in the PPG. These population estimates were useful in determining
such things as camp locations, camp size, MATS transportation required, and over-all camp

support required of H&N. In comparing the estimates nade during the fall of 1953 with the
actual strengths, it is to be noted that the latter consistently ran approximately 80 per cent of
The total number of quarters in all camps requested by the Task Group exceeded the total
population by about 20 per cent, The excess was required to permit some personnel who moved
frequently between locations to have permanent quarters in two camps. During the operation it
was discovered that many persons who had requested a billet only in some camp other than

Select target paragraph3