

ie of that cam,.
Parry were required to be on Parry part of the time with a consequent crowding

“ Especially y after the land carios
at E:hint were no longer
habitable, , personnel care to regard

the Parry camp as headjuarters and desired to have a permanent billet there. Since the Task
Group had too few spaces on Parry to assign each member a billet for exclusive occupancy, a
“hotel” system was used, and persuas visitins Parry from other camps were billeted wherever
space was vacant. This System was inconvenient and unsatisfactory, but it was the only solutior
to the excess of persons over quarters. It is recommended for future operations that each
person have a permans:.t space in the base cup, regardless of the time he may spend at other

Each individual traveling to the Forward Area was required to complete a minimum of

processing prior to his departure. This processing was controlled by the Adjutant General at

Los Alamos. Additional personnel-processing points were established at UCRI., Livermore,
and at Lookout Mountain Laboratory, Los Angeles, to accomracdate the persornel from these
stations. This processing included the following:
1. Preparation of travel orders for each individual.

2. Preparation of identification cards for those persons not already possessing them.
3. Notification to each indivicui! of the immunization requirements for travel west of

Hawaii and the procedure for obtaining this immunization.

4. Issuance of necessary government transportation requests to military personnel re-

quired to use commercial transpo:*.tion within the Zone of Interior (ZI).

5. Notification by teletype to the TG 7.1 senior representative at PPG of the expected

time of arrival of each individual.
The movement to the Forward Area was by individual rather than by unit. Most nongovernment employees traveled from the West Coast to Hawaii via commercial airline and thence to
the Forward Area by MATS. Military personnel and DOD civilian employees, with few exceptions, traveled from Travis Air Force Base, California, to the Forward Area via MATS, A
small percentage of personnel, both military and civilian, were transported by MSTS or naval
Eniwetok Atoll was considered the base of operations for the entire Forward Area. The

largest portion of the Task Group personnel was located at this Atoll. Bikini Atoll was used as
a forward working area for those units participating in the shots fired at this location. A maximum population of 1027 was attained in the Forward Area on Feb. 27, 1954 when 536 persons
were at Eniwetok Atoll (including 16 at other miscellaneous islands), and 491 were at Bikini. A
‘complete chart, showing the total personnel present by week, is shown in Fig. 3.3.
Although the majority of personnel were present at Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, a few of
the project personnel of TU-13 were based at Guam, Wake, Kwajalein, Ponape, Kusaie, Johnston,
and Rongerik. These peojects situated at outlying sites were primarily concerned with lonsrange fall-out, biomed‘cal studies, ionosphere recordin,s, water-wave Studies, and microbarography.

All arrivals at Eniwetok Atoll were processed by the Headquarters Commardant for TG 7.1
at Parry Island. This processing included billeting, arrangement for transportation to other
locations, and an orientation with regard to facilities and procedures in the Forward Area. An
accurate daily account by name was kept to show individuals present at each of the major


Movement of equipmentof the Scientific Task Group was accomplished by two meansof
transportation, namely, by water and by air from the ZI to the Forward Area and will, therefore, be discussed in separate subsections.
(a) Water

Every effort was made to move the maximum possible amount of equipment

to the Forward Area by water from the Naval Supply Center, Oakland, Calif., and to so schedule

the arrival of cargo at the Naval Supply Center that it could be moved on regularly scheduled

MSTS cargo ships which sail about once a month to Kwajalein and Eniwetok. However, owing to
the large number of large trailer vans and cther heavylifts which required deck loading, it



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