



from the USS Estes tu the control station on Evyu. Other effects of this change in the oporetaz
plan are discuss<u élo*wher? in this report.


Determination of Requirements

Most of the basic requirements for the support of Castle were determined early in 1953.
They included the following: construction of an assembly area andbarge slip on Parry
qeProcurement of shot barges,
tneludingadéép- water barge and an array ofanchors,“Huoys,¢
chains, and cable to moor it;
the design and construction of structures on the barges to support and house the devices and
accompanying personnel; construction of shot cabs on three islands to house the devices and
adjacent equipment; and construction of a massive control station on Enyu and of numerous instrument stations throughout both atolls. Construction of an airstrip and various camps on
Bikini had already started. Other requirements were a Task Group voice and teletype radio
link between atolls; three or four large voice radio nets at each atoll; sample planes with a
capability of obtaining samples at altitudes up to 55,000 ft; an improved weather service capable

of forecasting winds at high altitudes and of making wind runs in the vicinity of zero point, up
to shot time, and at altitudes up to about 100,000 ft; and a large number of four-wheel-drive
Required from the Navy were a large carrier-based helicopter group and a helicopter
landing barge; the use of a ship to transport devices and major components to the Forward
Area and to furnish close support to the shot barges; the use of an LSD to transport shot barges
between atolls; frequent interatoll surface lift; sea plones for interatoll airlift wren the Eninman strip .2s nol available; and ships with a capability; of supporting prolonged operations,
including actual firing from ‘afloat.
The need for many additional landing craft and DUKW’s was immediately evident. There
remained to be Settled the questions of how many, where, and manned and maintained by whom.
Development of the DOD projects entailed additional support and participation by the Navy,
including two drone Liberty ships, five tugs, two salvage vessels, one destroyer mine sweeper,
two patrol planes, and the modification of several landing craft.
In addition to sample planes and control planes for the samplers, the following support was

required from the Air Force; planes for weather reconnaissance, for DOD effects projects,
and for documentary photography; L-13 and helicopter airlift at Eniwetok and helicopter lift at
Bikini until arrival of the carrier-based group; and several C-47 round trips daily between

Eniwetok and Bikini. Many special flights were required from the Military Air Transport
Service (MATS) for the transportation to the Forward Area of devices and components not ready
in time for surface shipment and for the return of samples after each shot.

“MATS was also required to provide regularly scheduled airlift between Travis and Hickam _
Air Force Bases and Eniwetok for passengers and urgent freizht; and the Military Sea Trans-


Select target paragraph3