Runit Vv

level established for surface contamination on Runit.!20 The suggestion
was nearly identical to the original alternative c proposed by Field

excision of
of approxi
plan for exc


Command earlier in March 1979. The suggestion was rejected again on the

grounds that the EIS did not specifically authorize the spreading of lowlevel excised soil from one island on another island. The Commander,

Field Command issued new guidance to the effect that maximum effort
should be exerted to excise, transport, and encapsulate Lujor soil and to
transport and encapsulate soil and debris from Enjebi and Aomon. No
more soil from Runit would be encapsulated at this time. To carry out this
guidance, the CJTG would be required to insure selective excision of

Lujorsoil and optimize usage of boats for soil transport to Runit.!2!

The Director, DNA and the Commander, Field Command anticipated
that future action to reduce transuranic levels on Runit would be possible,
at least to reduce the “‘hot spots’’; i.e., the areas which indicate increased

levels of activity after the first excision. The CJTG was tasked to develop a

plan for the selective excision of hot spots on Runit, with the focus on the
Fig-Quincearea. In preparing the plan, full consideration was to be given
to: impact of additional work on Runit on the soil removaleffort on Lujor;
availability of equipment, personnel, and time to complete the soil
removal plan for the Runit hot spots; and, the impact of the plan on crater

fill and crater capping operations. !22

AS a separate but related matter, the CJTG reported that excavation of
the Cactus Crater lip on the island side of the containmentstructure would
be necessary to permit adjustment in the keywall alignment and proposed
that this soil be encapsulated as it was excavated. This soil was initially
thought to be highly contaminated. Field Command guidance directed

stockpiling of any soil from the crater lip until such time as the
determination was made on thedisposition of all Runit soil.123 Actually,

this craterlip soil proved, in subsequenttests, to have very low transuranic
levels; i.e., 5 pCi/g.

By mid-May, Boken and Enjebi soil excavation and transport to Runit

were complete. The Aomon crypt had been cleaned and backfill initiated.
All Aomon debris had been hauled to Runit, and Aomonsoil transport
operations were underway, with 8,300 cubic yards of soil remaining to be
transported. Soil excavation was almost complete on Lujor, and 4,900
cubic yards of an estimated 16,000 cubic yardsof soil had been transported
to Runit. Considering dome space remaining and estimated soil yet to be
encapsulated, it appeared that there still would be approximately 5,600
cubic yards of space available for Runit soil when that operation was

renewed. !24
On 25-29 May1979, the Commander, Field Commandvisited Enewetak

to review the cleanup progress and conduct a change of command. Colonel
Kenneth E. Halleran, USA, replaced Colonel Robert Bauchspies as the

over 160 pC

readings). ”

minimize t
Lujor and /
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would be co
less than 16(

of all soil «

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pCi/g) ove

Runit withi
loss of voh

Lujor growi

June 1979,
operation w


Onceall E
and the Fiss
excised, the
and after th

final result,

reduction ir
this was pro
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maximum f[f
0.04 MPC. ¢

Runit, and

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made by DC

Select target paragraph3