Runit (Yvonne) Cleanup and Crater Containment

was possible to

Runit soil to 1,000 cubic yards per week and not to exceed 12,000 cubic
yards pending evaluation of the progress on Boken, Enjebi, Aomon and

ea on Runit

3 modified by

Lujor.!17 Bythis restriction on domefill with the easier-to-transport Runit

soil, the Director, DNA hoped to ensure that all Lujor soil would be
encapsulated. On 13 March 1979, the CJTG received directions to proceed .

‘e lowest level
icity and time

with concurrent cleanup of Lujor and Runit.!18

AS a practical matter, a limit had to be placed on the domesize to assure.
that it was completed in time to permit capping and the demobilization by
1S April 1980, the end date set by DNA. Field Command engineers had
suggested that the PODdesign be followed and that the dome be extended
inland as necessary to contain the additional volume required for the
worst-case estimate of cleaning both Lujor and Runit. However, as a result
of discussions during the 8 March 1979 briefing, the Director, DNA
decided that soil-cement and capping operations would be directed toward

ting the soil),
and resources

sulating all of

: Runit soil as

‘f either Lujor

ling at Boken
lity; status of
jon of crater

a 25-foot dome. !19

Upon receipt of the 13 March 1979 directions, the
excise and encapsulate Runit soil at a rate which would
operations while awaiting the delivery of soil from
Efforts were expanded to open a channel for boats

inputs, COL
tor, DNA on
clean Runit
erations and

2s. However,

vuld change,

ament of the

ll efficiency.

abs heceacoeea
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“ater volume

le than the
1, and since
crater to be
the input of

JTG proceeded to
sustain soil-cement
the other islands.
into Lujor but the

strong currents between Lujor and Aej continued to hamperthe successful

ize craterfill,

enefit of the
eat demands
id additional
severe time
dn to get the
> aspects of
1 Runit and
r would not
S associated


marriage of the LCUs with the boat ramp. However, it appeared that the
LCM-8s would be successful in getting into Lujor, but with an attendant
decrease in soil removal capability. By 24 March, approximately 2,400
cubic yards of Runit (Fig-Quince) soil had been contained and, with the
troops on Runit accelerating the containmentrate, the soil stockpile was
almost depleted. The containment rate reached 4,220 cubic yards during
that week, and soil was not arriving fast enough from Boken, Enjebi,
Aomon and Lujor to sustain a stockpile.
The rate of containment for Runit soil caused concern at Field
Command that whatever dome volume might remain for contingencies

would be used for Runit soil. The fission products survey was uncovering

additional subsurface contamination on Boken and Enjebi which had not
been considered in selection of a dome volume. The CJTG wasdirected to
halt, temporarily, the containmentof Runitsoil after 5,720 cubic yards had
been excised in less than 3 weeks.
The CJTG then requested approval of a plan to maintain an effective
containment rate, clean Lujor to agricultural levels, and make the most
productive use of available resources to clean Runit. The plan provided for
excising and containing Runit soil over 160 pCi/g at the rate necessary to
sustain efficient soil-cement operations (3,000 to 5,000 cubic yards per
week), while stockpiling the Lujor soil for subsequent containment or
backfill of the Fig-Quince area as circumstances indicated. The suggestion
was based onthefact that all of the Lujor soil was less than the 160 pCi/g

Select target paragraph3