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Kunit (Yvonn

However, the CJTG took the morepositive position that it was possible to
clean up Lujor to under 80 pCi/g and the Fig-Quince area on Runit

Runit soilto |

Field Commandto consider these alternatives:
a. Clean Runit to reduce transuranic contamination to the lowest level
reasonably achievable within constraints of crater capacity and time
and do nothing on Lujor.

soil, the Dire:

without extending the project.!!6 The CJTG proposal was modified by

b. Clean Lujor to meet the 80 pCi/g criteria (encapsulating the soil),

yards pending
Lujor.!!7 Byth

encapsulated. °

with concurre!

AS a practic

while accomplishing as much excision on Runit as time and resources

that it was con
15 April 1980,

c. Clean Lujor to meet the 80 pCi/g criteria without ericapsulating all of

inland as nec

permit (encapsulating the Runitsoil).

the Lujorsoil, and concurrently excise and encapsulate Runit soil as

time and resources permit.

Other considerations impacted on any expedited cleanupofeither Lujor
or Runit. These included soil removal requirements remaining at Boken
(Irene), Enjebi, and the Aomoncrypt; soil transport capability; status of
crater fill; cement on hand; containment rate; and projection of crater
After careful deliberation of the Field Command and JTG inputs, COL
Peters (Director of Enewetak Operations) briefed the Director, DNA on
the recommended options on 8 March 1979. Alternative a, clean Runit
only, could be completed in the time available, would maximizecraterfill, .
and could be initiated without any channel clearance operations and
without any need to consider boat transportation capabilities. However,
there would be no guarantee that the island status would change,

excavation to depths of 6 feet might be required, and the EIS requirement
for Lujor would not be satisfied. Alternative b allowed containment of the

Aomon, Enjebi, Boken and Lujor soil within the time and crater volume
available, and it would change the status of Lujor to the benefit of the

people and in accord with the EIS. However, it would place great demands

on equipmentalready overtaxed, require channel clearance and additional
IMPing, place excavation and transport operations under severe time
constraints, and require additional bulk-haul boat configuration to get the
job done in time. Alternative c had all of the favorable aspects of
alternative b, plus it would permit intensive effort on both Runit and
Lujor. It was less time constrained since the soil from Lujor would not
necessarily be encapsulated. It still would have the problems associated
with access to Lujor, trafficability, bulk-haul boats, and overall efficiency.

Since the cleanup of Runit was of less benefit to the people than the

cleanup of Lujor insofar as the ultimate usage was concerned, and since
either alternative could be accomplished in time to allow the crater to be

capped by 15 September 1979, the Director, DNA decided to implement
alternative b, with a modification. It was modified to regulate the input of



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The CJTG 1
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Select target paragraph3