Fubl: Jaran Society for the Frometion of Scierces Joursal Ponewncernent: NEALl Documens “ypar Back. Lascquage: Eagiish TIPEF ‘Item © fram file: 199) OOE388 NSA-92-900876 Ma Flace to Kide Fradiey, D. Fublicatien Date: 1948 iBe cf. Publ: Little, Brown and Ce. Journal Anneuncement: N&SAade Decument Type: Beak Langrege: English TITIE {Item 3 from file: 1599) onetes NS4- 9E-DICOBE The Feenperee of Tigsue te Tatal BRedy Irradiation. Tuille, J.-L. Neval Medireal Fesearcr trstitute Fublicat: an Date: July 22. 1748 2? o. Tourcal fomeurcedent: HSACEs Content Types Reoart if Goch Lengsece:; Englisc TETS (Iten 1 frim file: FF) ) BODEES GEOREF NO.: 9° -Z8915 BIEL. IMDEY GEOLOGY NU. 94-2E545 TITLE: Mzop lag mecleac craters on Enewatak Atoli, Marshall Islands: AUTHORS Ths Henosaon. ToSn o.,. Te, COPPOGATE SCLRCE: ho 2. Geol. furs... Seeds Hole, HA, Urited States SGhNOG-ARR TITLE: Srereedirge: international eympceium cn Marine areitioenina ESTO CS): Kumar, Museencra (editor): Maul, George 4. (2c3 i CCSESSRTE GOLIRTE: vef. Mapp. Acency, Washington, CC. Usiteo Ctetes;: Wetl. Cceanic ara Atmos. fda... Initec States DOHFERENMTE TITLE: Inverratianei Sympasiun sa Marire positieqing; cesitazcine the filture: INEMAF a4 ECMFEOPENLE LOCATION: Peston, VA, united States TONTEFSNCE DATE: Ect. 14- 17, 1786 FUBLISHER: [. Reidel Fubl. Co., Dardrecht, Netnerlands p. 249-258 DETE: 1987 COUMTRY OF FUBLICATION: Natherlands TSB: $G-277-2595-5 REFS.: 2 TUBFILE: & DOCUMENT TYPE: Book: Conference BIBLIOQGRAFHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: illus.: ¢ketch maps LENGUAGE: Engiish PITAVG (Iten @ fram file: 89) DE5680 65 GECRES NO.: 8987-21572 KIBL. INDEX GEGLOSY NG.: B7-1EE5e “TTLE: Taterial hydrelogy and ceerhenistry cf coral reefs and attal aclanrce; ce; fey tz diagenetic variations MLTHCR’S My Bauddemeier, Roters W.: Qoerdarfer, June A. CORP OF AT PoURCE Lavrence Livermere Natl. Lab.. Livermore, Cf, Urvites 500%b2b