Country of Publication: United States Ware Location: United States frostract: Hearings were heid on July 10 and 11, 1980 to discuss H.R. T49S9, 2 bill thet oravides fer assessing and developing the renewsble ener rescurces af US islards ard t-ust territerizs. The intent is te effset the sariel anc excnomic impacts cf high fuel cogts ard to promote self-sufficiency. The testimony af 34 witnesses and cther material for the record addresses the specific problem that these areas are mcre dependent en amcerted cil because an energy-delivery system was never develcped. The text of H.R, 7239 deals directly with American Samoa, Suan, the Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Islands Trust Territory, and the Virgin Isiands. Tt srovides both technical and financial assistance. (DCH) TITY (Item 1 frem files 105) 112:3507 NSA-33- 322672 Freviding an authorization fer an ex gratia payment to the pecple of Bikiti stall, in the Marehali Islands of the Trust Territory of the Pacific islence. Senete, Ninet--Fourth Cong-ess, First Sees.on, June 2, 1775 Fublication Tate: 1975 3p. cuustry cf Publication: Unitec Sta Fubis Carmittee on Interiar and | msuier @ffaire, “ashingtan, Souraal sacneuncemert: 2ya7 BC AZASS avavlebilite: GFO noe imarit Type: Foot Eqglish (Nacleer Bcience Shetractsi HSA ation: Usited States Legisiatior fer payment of to million e@° gratia ta the peorle cf 1 cue to their rsiaration resuiting fres nuslesr-neanc ns testing Av2 comvamication of sheir hemeland 12 presented. The Conmittee avd angular Atfeirs recommends Passage. FOS) ‘item 2 frer Fire: 10) S8-22-01 64685 ay eutPorizaticn for am ev gratie paymert tae the people of we wn the Marsnell Islands ef the Trust Territeary of the Facivic House ot Rearesentatives, Minety-Fourth Congress, Firet Sesseicn, ma i) an interic: eed Insular Affaire “U.5. Serate), Washiretan, D.C, urce Cade: 920048e Public aticn Date: 1975 4p. Courtry of Fublicatien: United States ub: Conmittze on Interior and Insular Affairs, Washington, DZ cucnal Arncuncement: Nstse Fveilability: SFO Dacument Type: Back Language: English Subfile: NSA (Nuclear Science Abstracts) Work Location: United States PATS (item from fijier 1095 OTST? WSBA-11-C09206 FOSERRCH if THE EFFECTS ABD IUFLUENCES OF THE NUCLEAR BONER TEST ESFLOSTSNS. VOLUME © AND II Fublicetion Deter 15% 1657 pn.