rtates MOMGGPEFR TITLE: Reef clagenesis EQITIE(S!: Schresde-. Johenres 4. (editor): Furser, Bruce H, MWe, Blalll FT| « Ar tg i ile wilebal - (in fT] ji , ete Cec]. (editar) urd Falaeontol. ny Faris-Eud, re Patel States FUBLISHKER: Springer-Verlag, Herlin, Germany, Federal Resublic cf DATE: 1935 COUNTRY GF FUBLICATICN: Germany, Federal Rerublic of TEEN: S-540-15594-0 FEFS.: £38 SUBFILE: E TOCUMENT TYFE: Beak BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRETIONS: illus.: 2 tabies LANSUACE: Engiish fp. 8! ~({{ TEESE ‘Ttem 3 fram file: 89) S{22G656 SEQREF MO.: 94-2944 BIEL. INDEX GEDLOGY NC.: 84-2927 TITLE: Pacioartive wastes end the cceany; =n cver.isw LTHO oa hester, [. =.; DPuecall, 1. Wig Ketchum. 8B. H. E Oceanic end tics Adm., Jceen Dumping Freo-sm, ted Ststes edtizacti.2 wastes and the cc#an (editor): 4, Kester, DB. RF. ecitecd: Ixutedali, I. ecitcr) '. . Oceanic acd Atmes. Sdm.. Ocean Dump are F-ooram, ed States; Us1.. FR. 1., Grad. Sen. Coeanssr, United rnc] Ten. Gcernogy. end Ocean End, United States Inst.. Joited Sta tee, Uriv. F.I., Srad. och. atse., Sle, Inet. Tecrnci., Dep. Gosanagr. and Ccean dzods Hole Greareg-. Irvet., United Stetez ze ¢ : in the acean Sers, Yew Yor, UY. De . United States tS 3 CONTR. CF FUBLICATICN: united States Ponty, Cee FL-o9S7 79-8 sErS.: Ti SUEFELEs & PICUSENT TYPE: Eook BLICQGRAFHIC LEVEL: Analytic “LLUSTPATIONS luge. Bo tables; sketch macs LANSUAGSZE: English TATIAE ([t2am 4 from file: 89) O1062765 GEOSEF NO.: €1-S7305 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 9891-55115 MONCGREPH TITLE: Erewetak Atoll; cleaning up nuclear contamination CORPCRATE SOUFCE: U. S. Conptreller General, Washington, DC, United