Date: 1755
17-18 pf.
Coden: SPFOA

Cccument Types Journal Article

Lancuage: English
Journal @nncuncement: EDBE@1O1
(Techrical Information Center).
Werk Location: Japan
Abstract: Bikini ash (1) was prepared by igniting the heavily
cantamineted substances on board No. 5S Fukuryu Maru at 650/sup Ci/. The I
was extracted with H/sub 2/0, concentrated HC], and 2% citric acid. The
acid extracts were neutralized to pH 5.0 te 5.5 with NaOH. Squash-plant
leaves were painted with these extracts, after 6 days the plant parts were
eesayed for radiaactivity. Uptake and translocation cf radicactive fission
products to all plant parts was found, but with the major portican in abeve
grounc pa-ts. Wheat seeds grown in natural and synthetic seil mixtures
showed a mucn depressed uptaie af fission materials. Most af the
radicaztivity was found in the rocts. Sbeut 10% was transiacated tc aerial
portions of plants.
Recerd - 4¢

éDIALOG Fila 04:

Cena-aticn of tne cadicactive eiemente in the muscle of skipjack
by len-euchange resin, ard coafirtation of the presente oT radicactive zine
Suthervs: Takase, A.
Ccurces Foehu Eiseiisn Kankyu Hokoku (Japan)
Vv 433.
Baze: i955
ee-2é oo,
Codseas cE!HA
Tecumant Types Journal Article
Le Waage: Englisn
Jaurnal Anncsuacement: EDSB1C1L
(Tectnical Information Center).

dark Lotation: Japan


rostract: An ashed sampie cf shipyack muscle caught in June, 1954, reer
Fiznini 4tsll wae analyzed fo- elements separated ty an anion-exchange
methoc (feawae. FO} with tre use of O.2M HZ), O.5% oxalic acid, and 2' NH/suo

#/ citrate as eluents at gach cH value of 3.23, 2.19, 4.60, 5.02, 5.64, and

Record - 41

<DIALOG File 104;



Titles Artificial radioactivity in the sea near Japan

Auther: Miyake, Y.3

Sugiura, Y.;

Kameda, K.

Scurce: Fap. Metesrol. Geaphys. (Tokyo) (Japan)
v 6.
Date: 1955
70-72 p.
wedan: FPMGTA
Decument Type: Journal Articie
Language: English
cournal Anneurcemant: EDBA1O!
(Technical Infermation Center).
Werk Lecation: Jagan
Abstract: Sea water collected around the Bikini Atoll from July te


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