Saptember 1954, wes analyzed for total radicactivity by adding 2 g selid

NH/eub 4/Ci, 1 ml of ar aquecus selution of Ferric alum (86.9 9/1), and 1
ml of BaCl/sub @/ solution (17.8 g/l) te 1 1 of H/sub 2/0 heated te 40 ta
70 while being stirred. NH/sub 4/0H was added until the solution was
faintly, pink ta phenolphthalein. After e-min boiling the precipitats
settied cr standing fer several hours at reom temperature before being

filterad on a filter disk lain above a glass filter. Counting rates cf 2.1

+- 1.6 te 140.8 +- 6.8 counts/min/] were cbtained.
Record - 4é

SDIALOS File 104:
Radicactive contamination of plants in Japan covered with raincut from H-bonob detanations in March-May 1954 at Bikini Atcll, Marshall Island.
Part II.
Radicactive elements of contaminated plants
futhor: Yatazawa, M.
Scurce: Scil Flant Feed (Tokyo) (Japan)
pate: SES
£3-24 c.
cocen: CPFOA
Jecument Type: Jaucnal Articis
Larguage: English
sovrnadl Announcement: EPBS.0O1
(Tecnnical Information Center).
Work Locatign: Jagen
Agetract: Follewing a fallout estimated at 9.2 macroecurie/’], Trifclium
recrens, Setrecalus einicus. and Rusme-~ jJagsanicus were harvestec and anelyzed

for racicactivity. Most oF the rediosactivity (2305 te 4700 counte/min/S9 ¢
clant a&h} was asseciated with analate precipitate. A emall ameunt of
activity in the Zn ereup is attributed te /sup S2/in preduced by reaction
/2up &$’on (m,..géerma..) from cn emolaved in the merhanical parts cf the

bomb. Sr-Ha radicactivity wes 0.1 that cf tre rare earth group.

Distribution cf the radisactive elements was early the same as thet found

om tre Ne, & FukuryooMeru,


Racard - 43

{BIALIG File 154:

Title: Damping cf radicactivity of the Fikini ashes
Autner: Horie, K.
Sources Kagaku (Tekyo) (Z7apan)
v es.

Date: 1955

636-537 p.

Coden: &ASTA
Decument Type: Journal Article
Language: English

Jeurnal Anncuncement: EDBB1O1

Sut files
(Technical Information Center).
Work Location: Japan
Abstract: The radicactivity (..beta..- and ..gamma..-radiation) cf the
H-borb asnes wes measured cver a cericad cof 699 days by means of an
electroascepe and a Ceiger-Mueller counter. Abserption by Al fcils stows
thet the helf-life is shorter fer radiation of lewer enevgy.
Record - 44


Select target paragraph3