‘DIALOG File 104;
SpR~-O1 928052
Title: Padicactivity of fish fl.
Cbs, F.y wakamateu, C.3 Hiwatashi, Y.3 Tamari, T.s Yoshitake, My;
Tajima, D.
Seurces Igaku Te Seibutsugaku (Japan)
v 34.

Tate: 1925

255-c58 o.

Caden: IGSHA
Document Type: Journal Article
Language): English
Journal Annsuncements EDB8193



(Technical Information Center).

Work Lecation: Japan
Abstract: Varicus tissues of fish captured east cf Fermosa after the
Bikini H-Bomb e-periment had radioactivities (detected on May 27, 1954) in
counts/min/ash from 5g. fresh tissues: bleed 2414, eyeball 49, heart
muscle i111, white muscle 11. red muscle (chiai) 123, bone 44, skin 28,

pencress 131, liver S22, stomach muscle 196, stemach contents Se,

spermatazce 47. and ssizen 504, High radicactivities in blesd and blecd
evrthez:cing organs (liver and spleen) were emphasized. The radicactivit.
190 te Closed had a half-life of 24 ta 35 cays and the maxinum erergy of

Recor-g - 39

“DIALCG File 104: 3
EQE-BL:Q. 7705

Title: Radicchemical studies aon Bikini ashes
muther: Shickawa, 7.
Source: Buaseki Ragatu (Jagan)
Deters 1554
345-327 E.
Cedars oNSkA
Tocument Tyae: Tournsl 4-ticle
Languag2: Erglich
Journal announcement: EDBELG2
(Tecanical Infermatizn Center).
Werk Leecatiodws Japa
abstrect; Decay cheracteristics of the ashes which were Erevght back oy
the créewocf the Fukurvu Maru he. 3 were: untreated ash I = ct/sup -i/ ‘sup
Qi’, water soluble part t/sup -e/ /sup 71l/, insoluble part t/sup -1/’ /sup
$3/. Radioactive speci2ae separated by chemical method with carrier or
collecter were: nuclide, activity of nuclide (ccunte/min)/activity of
original sample (caunts/min), and the date ef separation, /sup 89/Sr
4003/3809 ¥ 10/sup 4/, Spril 24: /sup 95/Zr, 2E0/BO ~ 10/sup 4/, -3 /sup
LLil/Az, 200/200 x id/sup 4/, April 143 /sup 103/Ru, 2.30)/25 » 10/sup 4/,
Recard - 3°

<DIALCG File 104: °

Investications on she radicactive contaminaticn of crop plants as
a rasult of Fydroger-temb detamation. Fart Ii. Reat end feliage uptake of
Eikin: ash

Author: Mitsui. S.; Ase, S.3 Tensho, Ki: Kumzzawa, K.
Source: Saii Flant Feed (Tokye) (Japan)


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