Tocument Type: Journal Article
Languace: English
Tournal Anmmeuncement: EDRE103
(Technical Information Center).
Werk Location: Japan
Abstract: Incinerated liver (0.29.) amd stomach (0.159.) of a skipjack
caught near the dikini Atell on June 19, 1954, were dissclved in ©.2@N HCl,
filtered, and the filtrates made up te 16090 cc.: the radicactivities were
130 ard 8&6 counts/min./ce., respectively. The solutions were passed through
column of Dowex 50. Elution with 0.5% oxalic acid gave powerful
radicactivity with liver, but very weak with stomach. Elution with a
sclutiaon of NH/sut 4/ citrate at pH 3.5 from both samples showed strong
radicactivity, probably due ta the presence caf /sup 65/2n. Distinct
radioactivity was alse detected in the NH/sub 4/ citrate eluate at pH 4.1
frem the liver, but not from the stomach: this eluted element emitted na
radioactive element in the 0.5% axalic acid eluticn shawed that it was Fe;
Elution by O.5M HC] after adscrptian te Dowex 1 supported this result. /sup

GS/i° and /sup S8/Nk were indicated from these deta ta be absent. The pulse
neiart dietriadution curve cf ..gamma,.-ray emitted by the eienent elsa
indicated that it was Fe. Hawever, the vad:eticen decay curve differed
considerably from that cf /sup 87/Fe, sucgesetirg the presence af
vadicective element with longer half-life. Conperisan af the absorption

coefficient af Al, Ag. and Au fer « raye from /suop F5/Fe, /sua 63/Ni ard
the iscleted elenent indicated that the elemert was /sup SE/Fe.

“CTfFL06 SCile 194: >
ALX-12:881469., EDB-81:928555

Dietary enctivity intake fram pecaseay data: a model acplied

to /s.ap 137/Cs intake by Ei kind Tsiand resident


E.T.3 Miltenberger, F.F.: Ereenhcuce, Hoa.

Hatienai Leb., Upton, N¥ (CUSA))
Scurce: healin Fhys,

Hater Aug 1920

(United Kingdom)

iT7-182 -.


vy 39:2.

Codani FLTFA
Document Typ
Ypa: Journal irticle
Lar guage: English
Journal 4rncuncement: SDBGi2¢



inen-UE Atomindex input).

Work Location: United States
Abstract: This paper presents an equation with which the censtant daily
activity ingestion rate may be calculated from sequentially obtained whole
bedy counting and urine bicassay data.
The medel was developed tc relate
whole bedy ceunting results to urinary activity excretion data for /sup

137/Cs in the Marshallese population at Bikini Island for whom accurate

dietary intake and residence interval information were net available.
technique is anpliceble to radioactive material whese biclagical and
physical ranoval mechanisms are linear first order processes described by
appropriate rate constants which give the instantanecus fraction of atcame
transterrad from compartments in the body ta urine per unit time, and the
ingcantanecus fraction of etoms decaying per unit time.
Fecerd - 37


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