commen mollusks, coral, coralline alaae, and benthic ferams (rotaline ard
miliclid). Diagenesis has extensively altered strata near the atei! margin.
Aragenite disscluticn and calcite cements (radiaxial and cloudy prizgmatic)
are abiundast in fore-r2ef, reef, and same back-reef strata. Fetrogrephic
ana gecchemical data indicate aragonite dissclutian and calcite cementatian
ir seawater at buriel deoths ef 100 ta 300 m. Dolomite occurs in slope and
deeply buried reefal carbonates. Mest delomitization occurred at burial
depths of more than 1000 m in cool marine waters circulating through the
atoll. iagconal etrata are rat significantly altered by marine diagenesis
end still centain abundant primary aragonite and magnesium calcite.
Record - 3

aPIGLOG File 193: >
EDB-89 3057142
Title: Bikini Atoll groundwater development

Auther: Peterson, F.L.
fFffiliaticons Univ. of Hawaii. denoelulu (USA)
Conference Title: °3, annual meeting of the Geolcgical Siaciety cf America
Conference Location: Grilande, FL. USA Conference Date: 29 Oct 1995
Serrce: Geel. Sec. Am., fostr. Programs (United States)
v it.

Date: 1995
687 p.
Cocean: GAAFE

Feoort Now: CONF-3510489Docunent Type: Journal Article: Cenference literature
Lancesge: English
Journal announcement: ETDASED
‘Eneray Technolegy Data Exchange);
INS (US Atomindes
(PGE centractar)
werk Location: United Sta tes
Abstract: Nuclear weapons testing during the 1950's hae left the eo.1 and
yreund water on Bivini 4teli contaminated with cesium-1397, and to a lesser
2xtaems, etrombiur-o0, Plans currentis, are underway fer the cleen-un and
etilenest cf tre atell by removal cf approximately the upper 30 cm if
B22, Rrry la:“ge-scale resettiement pregram must include prowpeiens fer
vater supply. This will be achieved principaliy By catchment
and storege af
réin weter,. hewever, since rainfall in Bikini is highly seascnal and
drougtts cccur frequently. ground water development must aiso be
cxnsicered., The quentity o* petable ground water trat cen be developed is
limited sy its salinity and radiclegical quality. The few ground water
samples evailable from Bikini, which have beer collected from only about
the top meter cf the groundwater beady, indicate that small bodies of
potabie ground water exist on Bikini and Eneu, the two principal living
iglands, but that cesium and strontium in the Bikioni ground water exceed
drinking water stesdards. In order to make a reasonable estimate cf the

Ground water develegment potential for the atoll, some 40 test borehcles

will be drilled during July/August 1985, and a pregram cf water quality
monitoring initiated. This paper will describe preliminary results of the
driliing anc menitcring work.
Fecord - 4

ADIA.GG File i922:



Title: Streotium-isotope stratigraphy af Enewetak Atoll


Select target paragraph3