Gutha-s Ludwic, K.Ra:
Halley, R.B.;
Simmons, K.R.;
Feterman, ¢.€.
Affiliation: Geological Survey, Denver, CO (USA)
Ssurce: Geelegy (United States)
v 14:2.
Tate: Feb 1938
173-177 p.
Teden: SLCYB
Decumeit Type: Journal Article
Lanquace: English
Zournal Aanncuncement: EPRBEOS
(DCE contractor)
Wark Location: United States
Pastract: ‘sup 87/Sr//sup 84/Sr ratios determined for samples fram a 3590
m core of Neogene lagecnal, shallow-water limestones from Enewetak Atoll
diepiey a remarkably informative trend. Like the recently published data
for Deep Sea Drilling Preject (DSDP) carbonates, /sup 87/Sr//sup 846/Sr at
Enewetak increases menotonically but net smoothly from the early Miccene to
the Fleistocene. The data show intervals of little or ne change in /sup
7/Sr//sup 36/Sr, punctuated by sharp transitions tea lower values toward
greate- cere depthe. The sharp transitions correlate with cbserved seluticon
gierenfermitiess caused by periods of stbaeriai erosion, whereas the
yazvervele cf little ar so change in /sup 87 /Sr//sup S46/Sr correspond tx
itervele af rapid atcurulation o* shallow-water carbenate sedimests. When

converted tc mumericel ages using the published ESD> SoC trerd, tne
teet-resclved time breaks are at 2Re m (12.3 te 13.2 Ma missing) ard 121.6

mR 7,3 ta 5.3 Wa missing) telew the lsacen floor. &t Enewetet, Gr isstapes
efver ~ etratigraphic resoiutior for these ehallow-marine Neagene
Tarponates comparable to thas af rannefossil zenetion in deep-sea
carocnates (.3-3 mev.). In addition, the correletion of times af
So~isetooe creates at Enewetek with timas of rapid Sr-isetcps chence in the
DEoF STOR samcles canfierme the importance of sea-level chances in the
evelution of alebal-marine Sr iscetcpes and shewe that the Sr-iserspe
Yerpone> to ser-level falls is repid.

PISLOG File 163:
SGi-87 3145259

Geclagic recennaisseance of natural fore-reef siape and a large
ucterine rock*all e-pesu-e, cnewetak Atoll
euthac: palley, F.B.:
Siater, R.A.
S*filiation: Geological Survey, Danver, CO





of Fetreleum Geologists annual

lenference Location: Les Angeles, CA, USA Conference Date: 7 Jun 1987
Source: AAPG (Am. Asscc. Fet. Geol.) Bull. (United States)
vy 7ist.

Date: May 19987

563-554 p.

Ceden: GABUD
Fepert No.: CONF-870606Decunent Type: Journal Article; Conference literature
Language: English
soucral Announcement: EDES710
(DOE contractor)
Wark Lacatiens United States

abetract: In 1958 2 suomarine reckfall expesed a cross section through
the reef and fore-reef cepszsits along the northwestern margin of Enswetak

Atcll, Marshall Islasids. Removal of move than 1l0/sup 6/ MT of rock left a


Select target paragraph3