Pecome progractively envicheo with desth. Strontium ise
the apper cco m of core kKAR-1, devalened from coral, Eivalve, anc
wnclea-rock samples, indicates the presence of four maior eubaerial
uncoaformities, which have heen corfirmed by a newly developed strontiia
Leutepe straticraphy on age and facies 2quivalent sediments cf core OOR-17,
Cayoen, carbon, and strontium isotepe and concentration data of
microsamples (0.5 ta 1.0 ng) of sparcy calcite cements and adjacent rock
Matra. document the recerd cf matecric chreetic diagenesis attendant with
these ¢ea tevel lowetands. Strontium concentration positively cavaries with
Sr sup @7 /Sr sup 6 and C sup 13. In contrast, Gr sup 987 /Sr
sip Go negatively covarigs with C sup 13 variations. Sr sup &7
‘Se eup G&S values indicate the scurce cf carbenate cementation because
stroatium is derived from dissalution of overlying aragenitic allachems.
when the dissclving aragcnite 1s of similar age, and hence cof similar
etrentism isataopic compesation, lowstancd phreatic calcites preserve the
cepceitictai strontium isatope age. However, when the aragonite scurce has
a Significently different etreontivm isotecpe compositicen lowstand pnreatic
Calsitez record -« diageretic etromtium iectope ace.
mecird - =
cevelstion of reef
and atoll
owmergin certonates, usper Eocene
me, Enewetal, Marsbeil leiands
Scrlenger, f.4.
1 Srierce era Technolog
Brea, cA CUSA>
vial meeting ef the American S2ecciatior of Petroleum
if Hoveton, TX, US4
. (United states)
243 5.

Conference Dates gt-£3

Mar 1928

ronal artizie: Conte-ence literature
Toorsai onneuncement: EDEBIOn
(crecgy Téeccselogy Data cichanged.,
(DOE contractor)
Work Cacatioan: United States
Ststract: Two welie drilled along the margin of Enewetal Atell penetrated
eporeximately 1900 m of upper Eccerne, Oligecens. and lewer Miecane

Strontium isetepe etratigraphy

indicates relatively contirnucus

Gepiasitien of carbonate from 40 Ma ta 20 Ma. Depasitional environments show
a graduzel] tbasirward progracation of facies with elope carbonates passing
upward into fore-reef, reef, beck-reef, and lageonal carbonates. Slape
strata contain wackestones and packstones with submarine-cenented
lithaclasts, cereal, coralline algae fragments, Beathic retaiine forams,
flanktenic ferans, and echinocerm fragments. Fore-reef strata are
dominattly oackstones and EFourdstanes containing large pieces af ceral,
ebuidant benthic forems, coralline algae fragments, stromatopercids( ), end
mince planktosic forans, Reef and near-reaf zeciments include coralgal

roundstorze ard grzinetenes with abuncant benthic forems. Halimeda anc

Tiliclid ferems a-e common in legoonwarc parts of the beck reef. Spance
borings, ge¢pecal steuctures, end fractures are common in reef and
Sryecces’ stezta, Lageonal strata zre wackestones end peckstones with


Select target paragraph3