Tile iv@:EN=PGY SCIENCE & TECH VWOLOGY_@3-9O/NOVETSSe2) File LOG:ENERS) SCIENCE % TECHNOUCGY 1974-17E2(SEE FILE 152) File 3297:1-SA NUCLEAR SCIENCE ARETRACTS) 1749-1975 “ile aiNUi3 - 34-P71/1SS E01 Fite 3SU:GEGREF_i178F-1590/SCP Sets selected: Set L Itome 1138 2 i188 3 4 ao? 1367 5 & 7 & ; om Li S45 31 Ls a 225 i146 icz Beecriptian ENEWETAK OF RONGELAP OF BIXINI OR RONSERIb OR RRATALEIN QR AILINGINAE OR UTIRIK GR BIKAR ENEWETAE OR RONGELGF OR BIKINI GR RONGERIE QR EWATALEIN DR AZILINGIN@E OR UTIRIE GR BItAR Se AND LASENGLISH S2 QR TRUSTC)TERRITORY(2W) PACIFIC OR FAcCIFIC()FROVING( GROUND $4.71, DE SS/ENGE So AIL DT=ROoS7 AUD DTSISUPNAL FRTICLE Sé AdD DT=COLR NS. GATICLE RI Sv “unique items) Pou S? (umacue itens) Fecirag ~- 1 STRLOD Fie 195 Funes ERE -97 3142505 Title Titlopaic snd cuemical signatures cy cswetek Gt)” eeoth cnn oul ay Tos.3 Lomhsarn. ©. Tar Hellidsy. sy Avoar SUSE Parference Tatler: Acnusl convention and Evetasy: &.N. The cecec-o at «Uriv. of M:chioar, expecition cf the ¢mericzan -deaciatieon a7 Fetreleun Sealogists Verference cocatinaw: San francisec, CA (J54) Conference Tete: 3-4 Jun aor rourc2: AAFS EBalletir (Arericao Association of Fetroleum Geclagists} -UCA) Yo 74ir5. Dete: May 1°70 743 0. Caden: AAEUD Repert Hews CONF-990605Cesurmen> Types Journéel Article; Cenference litereture Language: English Jcurnsal Announcement: EDBIOOO Subfile: ETD \Energy Technolegy Data Exchange). JMT (LOE contractor) Country cf Publicatian: United States kacek Locations Urited States fbstratt: The pest-Miccene euvstatic record of Enewetak Atoll has been @uamined using lithology, mineraiogy, stable isctepe, strontium isatope, gecchamical, and petrographic data. These data ere evidence Tor at leest 14 aubaerial urcacifermities and numerous thia (2 3 m) aalecph-eatic lenses. et malority of these subae-ial exposure surfaces ere characterized ry n qd ,.C@lte.. C sup 13 ro oand velues depteted at the e»nosure surfirce and