
bk.) The people practice a rather non-intensive type of a:riculture but

utilize the environment to the maxinua, using ths plante that can survive and

produce in this atoll environnont. Copra ig mado for cash sale to tho visiting
{iold trip ship. Consumer goods are purchased froa thoso ships with the proceeds
of the copra sales, The interest pamants from the trust funds also help buy

nooded commodities. Rico, flour, sugar, cenned moats ond other canned goods are
steple itoas of the diet and have boon for many yoarse Fish, clans, Langustay,

turtles (flesh and egrs), sea birds (flosh ond eggs), chickens and pigs provide

protein in the dist. The marine resources are very important in the diet of these


Coconuts, pandanus, breadfruit, end arrowroot are the main vegetable products
ugod, Bananas, papala, and squash are used to a lesser extent, probably due to
the relative scarcity of the banana and papaia. They do not aeen to grow woll,
at least on Ujilangze

The diet upon return to Enavotak will of course not include breadfruit (growa
locally) or pandaus, or coconut to any significant extent until the trees start
producing. There will bo a marked increase in the auount of marine products eaten
however. This is of coursa because more fish, sholliish, etce will be avatlable
due to the nuch larger sise of Lagoon and reefo on Unewotake viz:

Ujilang Lozoon Areas
Enewetak Lagoon Areas

25.147 square niles,
357.99 square milage

The produce fron the land should also cvuntually bo trenandously increased,
comansuratd with the Largor Lond araa of snewotak. viss

Vjilang Dry Land Area:
Enewetak Dry Land Areas

0,67 square miles.
2.26 square miles.

It ia mticipated that a great deal mor3 imported foods: rico, flour, ete. will
be consuned to replace the amounts of local vezetable foods that will not be

available for a nunbor of years. Data on crop maturation can bs obtained from

our Trust Territory agricultural experts.

The psople spend their working tine clearing brush and planting, whon appro=
priate, in making copra; gathering subsistence crops in asason, and exploiting
the narine resources. Other routine tasks such as proparing food for meals and
regular housohold work accounts for the reat ad the working tino.
To recapitulate: the local foods available
for sone yoars to cone ares

to the Enevotak Boople now, and

1.) Fish and othor marine products in large quantitios and varieties apparently.

Vary important in tho datly dict.

Seabirds (flesh ond oggs), axtount unimnom to me bub a Kighly valuod food iten.
Crabs, including coconut crabs. Amount available unknow to ne.
Turtles (flosh ond eggs), amount unknown to me but a highly valued food.
Coconuts, Limited qumtity apparantly. A traditional steple food iten.
Arrowroot, anount unknown to ne but ayparantly limited. This ia algo a

traditional staple,




Te) Breadfruit, none reported or mow to ma.

Select target paragraph3