8.)Edible pandanus, none know to ne. Apparently Linited if existant. A

traditional staple. Notes Pandanug leaves area very important for nats

for household use and export, and for other handicrafts.
9.) Bananas, none now but may bear fruit a year op so after planting. (A
luxury food, not a staple. The sane applies to papala.

(m Ujilange:

The people normally have @ good sasgonal supply of breadfruit available on

Ujilang now and use it as a staple both fresh (prepared) and preserved for

storaze in pits and future use. They hava a good sacaszonal supply of pmdmoug,
coconuts year round and seasonal arrowroot, and a losser supply of bananas,
papaias and aquashe
Ultimately the dicot on Enowetak will include all of the foods now consued

on Ujilaiz, plus the Larger variety and greatex quantity of edible marine

biota available on Knewetak.

Jack A.Tobin

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