

The visits vary in duration according to the amount of work to be accouplished
and in sona instaness, according to weathor conditions, At times it ia not
feasible to return to the nain settla.q@t die to unfavoravle woather.
It siould be explained that this is a highly mobile population, as are woat
arshallego, There will be a great deal of travel between all of the islands
of Enawetak Atoll throughout tha year, evory yoar.
Tha people are highly oriented tewward the soa and la;oon and love to travole
This orientation and pattern will undoubtedly continuo after raturn to snewetak.

I ;resune that curiousity etinulated by a nore than 25 year absonce on the pat

of the oldar generation md of co.ipLote ignorance of the atoll on tha part of
these either born since the removal in 1947 er who wore snall c didran at the
tine, will otiavlate a graat acel of travel in the initial period of resuttlaimt.
Again I strongly advigea that no firm decision bo mace in regard to construction

cleared (axcant for the im ortant sh3lter balt and otier protective cover ag

doqied necessary by TT actricultural exports.
the people will of courge want the surface, the terrain in its original condition

whore possible, This meang of cuourss that the gullies and large holes must be
filled as was done on Rikini in 1969.

Toa question of future uaa of the airstrip and other facilities on Enewotak
Island 16 of course 4 highly important one. J asinine that the people will want
the strip to be saved for commercial and caergacy use. The spen areas will
be nesdod fur coconut groves and auzsisteancs crops. I assuue that the people will

Want the buildings which ar. in good condition to ronain in situ. ilere azain,

tha decision must coma froa tho Unewotak People. J know thatthoy will want all
useful matorials and buildings for thoir future use, fhoy have atated this.
It ahould be borne in mind that the people have richts in nore than one pisces

of Land end on differshtislands throughous the atoll.

Land rights are owned and held by bn groups. The Land parcels are worked by

tho meabors of the Linsaze which holds tnese rizits which are normall; chiefly

inherited at birth. The traditional pattern of habitation ia for households

(faaily grovpa) to live on their Land, not in a villaze clustor. That is, in a

scattered pattern. ihe community bud Ldings are, however, noraally chotralised on

the main felend as Giscussed previously. Vizs

as Lagoon —--aa


Poat Landi o Des






4 LYa.

<. Qcoan —>

‘hig is the pattern followed on Ujilenz and will probably be perpetuated on
Rnewetak. Hore again the cnevwetak comaunity will voice thoir desires in thio matter.


3.) I assume that the people will want ali of the islaids to bs planted wherever
possible. This m:ang that all debria wilt lays to ou ranovad, aud all brush

el ea an,

of facilities and future aettlouent pattem (villazo aites, atc.) without first
obtaining tie wishes, advice, and consent of the Enevetak People.

Select target paragraph3