end the Rnewatak People (iri bnow stak). These two traditional groups ares
howavor for all practicalpurpogas one croup dua to Antorwarriages They da
hovovar naintain the distinction.

Chief (4roij) Josnej ia the head of the snewetak Poople and\cates Lorenja& is
tho head

of: the Enjobl groupe

Political powsr has shifted to the clectod mayistrate md the council, composed
of faiilly heads. The incusbent nagistratoe is Saith Gidoon,. The chiefs are

neubora of the council and their power is effective, howover it hao waned
considerably. The youngar mon, including the gong of the chiefs have a great

deal to say those days,

Decision making is not unilateral, nor, avporenthly was it avers Conoonsus is
obtained in councll mestings, attanded by almost avoeryona in the conminity when
imoortan’t issuea are to bs discussed,
This is tho nethod followdd thhouzhout most Hicronosia coauunities, For this
reaion it io obviously vary important to deal with the council whan possible;
to do a0 Whonover planning which will effect tha poople of tho commandty is
to bo dona,

As anatter of oxpediency representatives Who may bo available at tha tine can

and hava beon ugod. However it is obviously desirable to obtain commanaby cone
sonous if possible,
Ir tho radioactivity on Enjebi should prevent permanent habitation be this tine,
and for a simmificant period of tine in tie future the duality of sottlanent

mxy nob be possible. The Enjobi People nay choose to live together bn cnewaetak
Islmd or on another island in the northem sector of the atolle Hawaver, ib
ia not certain that they would want to have two main settlaionta. They aay\

decida to Live in of? setiLenat. As amaottar of exyedioncy the txo groups)
Liva toscther on Ujilang with a "boundary" sot ghhough the middle of the 4éLand

and the satellite islands divided equally. The covwnmity buildings: church,school,

dispangary, Warehouses, etc. ara located in the area on the dividing Line.

The point is that they do Live together and may wish to continues this. Nowover,
they may very woll wish to return to the pattern which was possible on much
Larger Enowatak Atoll.
The traditional pasdiallase pattorn of habitation m4 oxploitation of the

fotural rasources 19 to Liva on a noin (Largs) isla.d in the atoll, make
copra, practice a Low Levol (techmolosically) agriculture, and oxploit the

marino rovources of sea, Lasoon and surrounding reefs. Tho school, dispansary,
church, council howe, warohouse, stores and any other activities! buildinga
sorving the neads of the commmity ore Locatod on the main island, or islands
in the casa of the Larger and more populous atolls,
A seni-nigratory form of axploitation of the natural resources is followd
in that ths other snaller islands, satellite isimds of the atoll ara visitod
froa ting to tine. The holders of Land richts on these islands nakoe copra

(the cash crop), gather broadfruit, pmdamus , coconuts, arrowtoot, and other
vao;otable foods in soason. They also axploit tho narine rusources, Clesuring
of brush and planting is aloo done at thia tins.
Houses and water catchments usually of a fairly oinple nature aro found on the

more economically important of these smaller islands.

mos rls


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