wt ne ete whe

“AU this point T would Like to express my profound admiration and sincere
appreciation to all of the members of the crew of the Liktanur II wha feequenty,
“yent out of their way to make our trip more comfortably

They are fully avsre

of the difficulties that the medical party encounters in using this ship and
attempted to do atl they could to remedy its defects.

Individual letters of

comneadation will be sont to the operators of US Oceanography.
- UV.


Results -

As you vill note from Yable 1, 48? individuil patient visits were performed,
OF J12 deuvat palionts presenting for eztraction 190 teeth were extracted,
One eddittonal tiyretd ue laut: that bed pot
3rosm Dobyns ves discoveret
agsseubled at

Lheye to be

sad couneqacadd oe croup of

five patiouls was

aeconp ated fo hu, ant thenee oa bo Clevetaml for

surgery with Jenauk Cabua as ct

vodant .

As usual,

bacn previous'ty screened hy br.

Suiseary =

the medical aupects of this survey a? dl roa smoothly and there vane

no great surprises From the staudpotnt of new medical findings.

The wost sipnif i-

advance made by this survey vas the establishment of the initial prioritics

(as perceived by the people ef the istands) Jor the health education proprau
beginning vith a request by some of the Marshallese For a family planning prooram
and for a weipht reduction program.

beth of these clenents of the educational

progiam are felt to be critical from the standpoint of a reduction in morbidity
mul mortatity.

‘the guest faculty were outstanding.

Of particular interest, Dr.

liarvey Heidinger, a pediatrician from Loma Jinda University, demonstrated the fact

he is an expect in the arca of developing health care systems For emerging


He has previously been on assignineut from Loma Linda Loe Tanzania and is

currently op ausignment

to Haiti.

Wis thought ful comments and recommendations for








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