






poi Set ne eee

Tt was felt by Keith Coberly and the Chief Engincer, Monroe Wrightiam, that the

severe pounding and vibration thet the ship was taking would be much improved by


This proved to be the case.

steaming time from Rongelap to Utirik.

Houever, it greatly prolonged the

It appeared for a nunber of hours that

ve vould be unable to reach the Uiirik pass during daylight and would bave to
remain of € Utivik during the ntght.

However, by skillful seanmaiship they veoch :J

the pass whihke the sun vas still high euough to make a safe entry.

We then

eteoaned acrots the Jagcon aml were gerected by the officials of Utirik.
again retrieved two ait dria rafts Teft there from previous visits.
under the accommoditten badder,
lovover, becouse of

the puadued

The ship

One vas placed

the other was seeured at the waterline ashore.

tes of

the bea,

the hetehbk of




the cipele reft ashore was paitially effective in achieving easy aciees., to the
whalcboats by the patients gofuy tu Lhe ship.
the boats and climb over the funuels.
extensions fo this platform be

in many cases they had te wede to

£ vould ehrengly recommend that

> or three

Fabricated and that spuds be driven jiuto the hotton

to stabilize these floats so that we have an adequate floating dock for, future
fhe medical work at. Utirik went
and coopecative and we were

The people were very friendly

invited to two banquets given by the people.

departed from Uttrik on 4 October
the herbor,

extremely vell.

fin the mid-afternoon,

The ship

En the process of exiting

the ship scraped the bottom Jightiy but proceeded on through the pess.

lime diatesly thereaftc:

Monroe Wriphtman and Jan Kosetan put on diving gear and

inspected the bottom carefully te ensure thal no damage had been done.

No evidence

of grounding: was noted and the chip continued on course, arriving in Kvajateiu
early din

the morning, of

5 October,

Select target paragraph3