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reclistic modifications

in the Marshall Tslands primary care system and our

interface with that system were greatly appreciated and will be incorporated into
further discusstons with out propcam directors at DOE and with members of


Marshatl Islands heatth care delivery systcm.
~- Conclu. tons and Recommendations A review of iy planning
August 9,

letter to the Pactfic Area Support Office dated

3979 regarding, this survey reveals the following statements of policies


to PASO.

(Pleace see Mnelosurs 6).

"As wo discussed at Livesrore, J am fuoneling ell requests for either the
Dapertment of Mnergy, Marchall
your office’.

islands . ar,

or Missi te Range Support

‘hat statowent vis. proupted by the Fopeited

Brown to atlow him to houdle elt

public craome

of his proxtmily to, and contacts with,
agreed to this course of action,


throus ah

request uy fir. 1”

for our pragra: Mhecaiee

the nev Marahal

Istonds govornment™.

‘the Ciual paragraph of Bactosure G wives the

exact details of iy requested arrangements for the meeting with the people af

Rougelap, and Vetrik-~both from Majuro and Ebeye.
Not only did Harry Brown fail

to provide for the requested meetings, but

he extended ai invitation to the members of the BNI, medical study proup


on other istands to travel to Majuro or-Ebeye stating "You will be retibursed for
the cost of your transpurtation,

food, and cxpenses while on Majuro or Ebeye”.

(Please sce Enclosures 2 and 3).
This unique, unilateral
discussed wilhoac.

Tf it had,

field decision of medical policy had never been
T vould have firmly ve

od it.

Table TI presents a sunmary of the 1979 examinations, showing what ve had
accomplished prior to Mr. Broun’s announcement and the changes as a result of his

Select target paragraph3