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Upton, New York
516) 345,
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Medical Department
December 12,




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Bruce Wachholz, Ph.D.
Division of Biomedical
‘and Environmental Resources
US Department of Energy
Washington, D.C.
Dear Bruce:

I appreciate your frank comments about my leadership as the principal investigator for the Marshall Islands Study for BNL over the last ten months.
The primary
problems seem to be procedural and the fact that I seem to "overreact" to administrative problems (to use a kind word).
I feel this is a tremendous program with
unique potential for quality work and growth; I am afraid I see red when someone
fails to give it adequate support.
I have thought a great deal about your comments
for I value them.
I thought I would try to respond to them in this letter. dn
going through my files, I have attempted to document for you the number of times
with specific dates and quote: where I have attempted to get some action via the
appropriate channels of thesystem (ie, headquarters -- Las Vegas -- PASO) without
success. You mentioned that I should have contacted the Las Vegas office with these
A review of the enclosures will reveal that I have been in constant
contact with Roger Bay since shortly after I took the program over.

He has failed

to answer any of my complaints or to attempt to set up a problem solving meeting.
As you can see,

I have also had multiple correspondence and conversations with

Bill Stanley and Harry Brown over the last year.
I think it is obvious that I
considered Bill Stanley a mediator up until a short time ago.
After your appointment as coordinator I though I made it clear that some very
serious policy and procedural matters were brewing and I have repeatedly asked,


the last months for a meeting of all the principals so we could straighten these
problems out.
I sure as hell don't like to operate under these constraints, and I
am equally sure DOE would like to solve them as soon as possible.
To be more specific and chronologic, I offer the following proof of my attempts
to deal within the system.

In my first trip report,

two months after I took over

the program, I detailed some serious operational, safety and administrative problems
concerning the performance of Harry Brown (Enclosure 1 — January-February Trip Reporty*
Cert is obvious from the length and detail of this report thatt#I considered the ship's
logistic support on that survey to be inadequate.
I presented all of the observations
and opinions,

in writing,

in a rough draft,

to Mr.



Brown and Mr.


{ did this specifically to alert them to the problems, as [T saw them, prior to the
Users Conference that was scheduled for February 28, 1979, in Livermore, California.


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