Enclosure ]

Officer in Charge
darine Inspection
P. 0. fox 3160

Honolulu, HI


7 thovember 1979

Mr. €. £. Qtterman
U. S. Oceanograpny
666 Prospect, Penthouse
Honolulu, HI 96813
Bear Sir:

The enclosed letter ts in response to thej/Department of Eneray lin

regarding the fetatuspf LIKTALUR TL, 0D 572028 wien performing the

missians scheduled Tor_jocd.,

As stated in the letter, LE

is my


that the vessel wilifnot/ be usedfexclustvelyj for oceanographic purposes.

Accordingly, LIRTANUR TT will no longer be an "“eceanoarapnic research
vessel" as defined in Section 44) of Title 46 United States Code ant!
the designation of LIKPAUR LI as an cceanngraonic research vessel in
my letter of 17 April 1979 :i1) be considered void.
A caony of this letter and enclosure is bein: mailed Co your west coest
U. S. Occanography
P.O. Box 81626
Sen Diego, California


If you have any questions recarding the above, do not hesitate to contact

this office.


A. D. Utara
Commander, U. S. Coast Guard
Officer in Charge
Marine Inspection


(1) OCHI 30 Oct 79 ltr
to Dept. of Energy

Select target paragraph3