February 28, 1980


the provision altogether. The Senate ac-

tion was based on the history of the
present authority which has seen the

Virgin Islands obtain guarantees for $31
million in obligations of which only $21

million had been drawn down, only $5
millicu. of which had been obligated,
and only $2 million of which had ac-

tually been expended as of the cate of
the committee hearing. The committee

believes that it is an unwise practice for
the Virgin Islands government to in-

crease their long-term debt and their
immediate debt service problems in advance of their actual ability to obligate
funds. We do recognize, however, that

there are a variety of capital projects
of immediate benefit to the Virgin Is-

lands which could be funded through
this provision. In order, therefore, to
provide the maximumflexibility to the
Virgin Islands government, while insuring that the Virgin Islands government
will not needlessly increase its debt obligations, we have agreed to a 5-year extension of the bonding authority, with

the provision that any sums guaranteed

buf not obligated would revert to the

Federal Government at the expiration
ofthe 5 years.
The next amendment offered by the

House would provide that Federal agen~
cies shall waive any requirement for

local matching funds under $100,000
from American Samoa or the Northern
Mariana Islands. This provision is useful in that it recognizes the enormous
administrative burdens imposed upon the
government of American Samoa (which
has a total population of only 30,000)

and the Northern Mariana ‘Islands
(which has a total population of only
16,000) in seeking to take advantage of
small programs otherwise available to
the territories.

The next amendment offered by the

House was proposed by Congressman

Won Par. That amendment would convey to the territories of Guam, the Vir-

gin Islands, and American Samoa the

mineral rights reserved to the Federal
Government underthe Territorial Sub-

merged Lands Act. The original reseryation was insisted upon by the House

although it was inconsistent with the

purposes of the Territorial Submerged

Lands Act, which was designed to accord
the territories with treatment equivalent
to the coastal States of the United


The final amendment offered by the
House would provide technical amend-

ments to certain Federal programs to

recognize that the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands will become a
territory of the United States uponter-

mination of the trusteeship agreement,

and musé be specifically named, together
with other territories, in legislation, and

S 2085,

cent funding of capital improvement
projects in the territories. One provision
of this legislation eliminates any matching requirement imposed by the Depart-

all those directly or indirectly subjeeted
to radiation damage are covered by this
medical program. .
The proposed section 407 has been a
ment of the Interior on programs to the subject of concern and controversy durterritories. Some concern had been ex- ing Senate action on H.R. 3755. The dispressed by the administration that this tinguished gentlemen from Alaska, SenProvision would be inconsistent withthe ator Srevens, and others opnosed the
President's proposal. I would note that Senate amendment which deleted the
the administration does not intend to extension of the guarariteed tonding auoffer any new authorizing legislation, thority granted to the Virgin Islands in
but has simply adopted the 90-percent Public Law 94-392. After a number of inrequirement as an elementof its budget- formal discussions, the provision in secary process in its submission to the Ap- tion 407 was avreed tu. It authorizes a 5propriations Committees. I do not be- year extension of the bonding uuthoz~
Neve that there is any necessary conflict ity to the Virgin Islands government,
between the administration’s proposal Under a reverter clause, all funds borand the Congress ability to render a final rowed, bub not obligated at the end of 5
judgment on the appropriate level of years would be returned to the lending
Federal support for necessary capital institution from which they were borprojects. Both the authorizing and ap~ rowed. It is my hope that this proposal.
propcriating committees will continue to will encoursge the early obligation of
review projects on a case-by-case basis funds to meet some of .the capital imand will provide whatever level of fund- provement nosds of the territory.
ing is appropriate in the particular cirThe House also has added a new sec~
tion which would convey, without: cost,
@ Mr. HATFIELD. Mr. President, I sup- certain U.S. property to the Virgin Isport the House amendments to the Om- Jands government. Two years from the
nibus Territories bill, H.R. 3756. This date of enactment, the former district
version of H.R. 3756 represents a good court bulding would be transferred to
compromise which was crafted from the the territory. Apparently, this unused
original House bill and the Senate- office space is needed by the Virgin Ispassed amendments. In its present form, ..- Iands government. I have been assurred
the measure authorizes appropriations by the distinguished gentlemann from
and provides for other legislative author- . Louisiana, Senator Jounsron, that if
Sty for insular areas of the United States: within the next 2 years the GSA plans to
which are under the jurisdiction of the - utilize this building and so informs our
Senate Committee on Energy and Nat- committee, that this transfer of title will
be reexamined in lizht of this informaural Resources.
Title I deals with the Trust Territory tion. It is my understanding that the
of the Pacific Islands. The first section Congress has not received an official
Provides for an open end, open-year au- comment from GSA on plans fer the futhorization for the trust territories. “Al- ture use of this facility. Notwithstanding
though I am a member of the Interior that fact, with this assurance from the
Appropriations Subcommittee, my con- Senator, I will not object to the House
cern remains for this type of a provision. amendment,
In the past, the authorizing committee

has fulfilled a critical role in guiding the
Appropriations Committee with funding
levels for the trust territory as well as
other insular areas, In my judgment, our
efforts have assisted the Micronesians in
obtaining higher levels: of funding for
much needed programs and projects. These needs constantly change and
should be reviewed periodically. The
Senate voted to depart from the traditional practice of annual authorization
due to the anticipated termination of the
trusteeship in 1981, and also due to
strong support by leaders from the trust
territory for the open-ended authorization, The Senate agreed to this House
provision, but added specific authorization for certain projects. The list of
projects is not intended to be exclusive
to the addition of any needed future
project or program. I trust that this pro-

There is another House amendment

which deserves special mention at this
time—proposed section 607, This section,
in effect, would convey from the United
States to the territories certain oil, gas,
and mineral deposits in- submerged
lands. By way of background, the general subject jurisdiction over submerged lands was raised this year

during Senate markup of H.R. 3758. At

the markup and later during Senate
floor consideration, an amendment was
adopted which would clarify or confirm
the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico over its
submerged lands. It wes stressed in legislative history that the Senate intended
to merely reaffirm existing. policy relat-

ing to the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico
over its submerged lands extending 3
leagues from shore.
Section 607 deals with the U.S. policy
on submerged lands which was enunci-

vision will not have any negative effect ated in the “Territorial Submerged
on our continuing efforts to provide ade- * Lands Act of 1974.” The 1974 act conwould not be automatically included simveys title of the submerged Jand on the
ply because they were a part of the trust quate funding for the trust territory.
Another important provision in the coastline up to 3 miles to the territorial
territory previously.
first title establishes a comprehensive governments of Guam, the Virgin IsOnefinal point needs to be made with and Integrated medical program for the lands, and American
Samoa. At the same
respect to this legislution. On February
people of the Marshall Islands who were time, however, it exempts expressly
14, 1980, the President transmitted a exposed to US. nuclear testing, The from the conveyance,
U.S. rights to oil,
message to the Congress outlining his Unnited States owes a solemn responsi- fas, and
certain other minerai deposits.
proposed territorial policy. A part of that ’ bility to the innocent victims of our nuThis exemption for oil and gas rights
policy proposed that henceforth the ad- clear testing program. This provision ex- was
insisted upon by the House during
ministration was committed to 90 per tends existing programs to assure that
action on the 1974 act. On the other

Select target paragraph3