

hard section 607, as proposed, would
eliminate this exemption by requiring
the United States to convey all interest
in vil, gas, and mincral deposits to these
territories. Although this is a reversal of

earlier policy, I concur in the House
amendment. The adoption of this section would accord the territories with
the same rights to submerged lands as
those enjoyed by the States.

Derasrsine oF Nereus
Robert Harry Spiro, IJr., of Florida, to be
Under Secretary of the Army.
Int tz Arye

The foNow!ng-named oftcer under the provisions of title 13, Untied Stace3 Code, sectian 3065, tu be sssigned to a position of
importance and ressonsibihty designated by
tne President under subsection (aj of section 3060, ln grade a3 follows:
Maj. Geit. Chartes Maurice Hail, 551-12

The House has also 2areed to the Senate amendment which is identicai to S.
1119, 4 bill which passed the Genate Iast
year. The purpose of this provision, section 605, is to assure that the Congress
is advised of any plans by the U.S. Gov-

7043, U.S. Army to be Heutenant general.
The follawivg-nameu oficer to be placed
on *he vetired Mot tu grade Indicated under
tha provisions of titi: 10, United States Code,
section 2562:

clear fuel in the territories. Th's provision is au outgrowth of the failure of

generai, 0.5. Army), to be isutenant general.

ernment to transport or store spent nu-

the administratiou to notify the Con-

gress of preliminary plars for an interim
storage facility in the Pacific. Later, this
Jack of notice wes compounded by actions of the executive branch which
demonstrated a lack of seasitivity to the
lezitimate concerns of the Pacific commurnmty.





guarantee for U.S. citizens and natisnals
in the territories that the United States
will not sanction or approve @ proyosal
for spent fuel storaye without full pub-

lic disciosure of the site and open cen-

siceration, discussion, and approval py
the Congress. :

Mr. President, H.R. 3756, os amended
by the House, is a construetive step in
_ addressing @ bread range of issues affecting these Insular areas. Therefore, I urge
my colleagues to act quickly and favorably cn finalaction.>

Mr. ROBERT C. SYD. Mr. President,
on behalf of Mr. Jonnston, I ask unani-

mous consent that the Senate concur in

the House aniendments en biec.


objection, it is so ordered.




Lt. Gen. Stdney Bryan Berry, 428-22-5274

(age 58), Armyof the United States (major
The Zollowing-uamed cficer to ba essigned

to a position cf Importance and responsibdility essignated by the President under the
provistons of title 10, United States Code,

There being no objection, the Senate

proceeded to the consideration of execitive business.
Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President,
I ask unanimous consent that all of the
aforementioned nominees he confirmed

en bloc, that the President be i:nrne-

diately notified of the confirmation cf the

naminees, that the motion to reconsider
en bloc be laid on the table.
Mr. STEVENS. There 1s no objection.
objcction, it is so ordered.
The nominations considered and con~
firmed en bloc are as foliows:

Maj. Gen, Wiltlara J. Livsey, Jr., 286-44

8751, Army of the United Sta*ss (brigadic%.
general, U.S, Army), to be major general.
Moj. Gen. Alan A. Nord, 5093-24477",
Army of the United States (brigadier general, U.S. Army), to be inajor general,

Maj. Gen, Robert C. Gaskill, 224-32-2369.
Army of the United States (brigacler general, U.S. Array), to be major general.

Maj. Gen. Elton J. Delaune, Jr, 434-086898, Army of the United States (brigadier

general, U.S, Army), to Ee mafoaz general.

Maj. Gen. Robert L, Moore, 22340-5575,

Army of the Unired Statea (brigadler pen.
eral, U.S. Army), to be major general,
Maj. Gen. Robert BM. Elton, 287-238-3508,

Army of the United States (colonel, U.S.
Army), to de brigadler general. °

Maj. Gen. Josoph T. Palastra, Jr., §76-28-

3135, Army of

tions 3224, 3306, and 2307:

Ma}. Gen. Robert J, Luni, 361-146-7926,

Army of the United States (belgadier general, U.S. Army), to be Major general.
Maj. Gen. Jere W. Sharp, 260-350-2658,
Army of the United States (brigadier gen-

eral, J.S. Army), te be wajor general.
Me}. Gen. John B. Siount, 033~12-7263,
Army of the United States (brigadier gen~

era, U.S. Army), to b2 m-.jor gentral.
Maj. Gen. Richard il. Thon-pson, 120-14~

1727, Army of the United States (brigadicr
genersl, U.S. Army), to be major general.

Maj. Gen. Roscoe Robinson, Jr., 495-28—

6662, Army of the United States (brigadter
ecnera!, U.S. Army), to be major peneral.

Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Weyand, 516-28B4ul, Army of the United Staics (brigadier
general, U.S. Army), to be major peneral.
Lt. Gen. Robert G. Yerks, 091-032-6760,

Army cf the UnitedStates (brigadler general,
US. Army), to be major general.

Maj. Gen. Donald £. Rosendlum, 089-22-

1105, Army of the United Stites (brigadier
gene.al, U.S. Army), to be major general.
Maj. Gen. Charles C, Rogers, 234-440-9912,

executive session to consider the nomina-

placed on the Secretary's desk.

general, U.S. Army), to he major genarai. €

niernt to tne Reyular Army of the Uscited
States to the gruda indicated under the provislous of title 10, Unitcod Slates Code, cec-

34-3534, U.S. Army, to be Neutenant general,
Tha sohowlag-named othcers for appoint}

general, U.S. Army), to be major general. —
Maj. Gen. John N. Brandenburg, 446-22-

46, 48, and 49, and the nominations

Maj. Gen. Walter F. Ulover, Jr. GO7-20-

4378, Army of the United S* sites (bricadter

77163, Army of the United States (colone!,
U.S. Army), to be origadler general.

U.S. Army), to be major veneral.
Ma}. Gen. Paul S.. Williams, Jr., 221-30-

tions on the Executive Calendar keginning with page 2, goine through page 3,
page 4, page 5, page 6, and pase 7, including only Culendar Orders Nos.

Army of the United States (brigadier general, U.S. Army), to be major ceneral.

section 3659{0), in grade as follows:
Maj. Gen. Willard Worren Seott, Jr. 2584

Mr. ROBERT C. BYR). Mr. President,
I have just cleared this request with the
distinguished acting Repitblican leader:

I ask unanimous consent that the Senate, for not to exceed 1 minute, go into

February 28, 1980

Army of the United States (brizadier seneral,

5124, Army of the United States (brigadier

8061, Army of the United States (brigadier

general, U.S. Army), to be major general.

Maj. Gen. Wiltlam IL Rolys, 04s-20-6527,
Army of the Uniced States (brigadier general,

U.S. Army), to be inajor general.
Maj Gen. Sampson H. Bass, Jr., 579-32-

$138, Army of the United States (brigadter
general, U.S. Army), to be major general,
Maj. Gen. Clyd2'W. Spence, Jr., 260-221269, Army of the United States (brigadier
general, U.S. Army), to be rnajor general.
Maj. Gen. Grayson DBD. Tate, Jr. 525-<440510, Army of the United States (brigadier
Bencral, U.S. Army), to be majos peneraL
Maj. Gen. Robert W. Sennewald, +92-224165, Army of the United States (brizedier

general, U.S. Army), to be major genera}.
Lt, Gen. Harold F. Herdin, Jr. 492-26-

5666, Army of the Uulted States (brigadier
generst, U.S, Army), to be major general.

Maj. Gen. Jauies P, Cochran IT, 267<o~

5716, Army of the United States (brigadier
geaocral, U.S. Ariny), to be mejor fenera}.

Maj. Gen. Thomas D, Avers, 420-24~-5190,

Maj. Gen, Louls C. Wagner, Jr, 490-449352, Army of the Unieet States (colane:,
U.S. Army), to be brigadier gen2csl,

Maj. Gen, Wiillam J. Hilsmea, 500-30—
the Uutted States (colonet,

U.S. Army), to be brigadier geneesl.
Maj. Gen, Thotws PF. Healy, 019-24-4671,
Army of the United States (colonel, U.S.

army), to be brigadier gencral.


Gen. Joan W. Hudachek, 493-45

4927, Army of the Unitec States (coionct,
US. Aimy), to be brigadher general.

Maj. Gen. Donald M. Babers, 525 -50-5504,

Army of the United States (colonel, U.S.
Army), to be brigadier geucral.

In rus Navy


The foilowing-namied captains of the Hne

of the Navy for teinporary promotion to tLe

grade of rear pdmiral, subject to qualifica-.
tion therefor as provided by law:
John C. McArthur to be rear admiral,
Harold N. Wellman to be rear admiral,
Donald F. Roane to be raar admiral.
Donaid L. Feit to ba rear admiral.
James E, hicCardell, Jr., to be rear admiral.”

Jonn T. Parker, Jr, to be rear admire).
Edwacd J. Hogan, Jr., to be rear admiral.

George W. Davis, Jr., ta be rear admiral.
Verle W. Klein to be rear admiral.
John A. Baldwin, Jr., to be resr admiral.

Jonathan T. Howe to be rear admiral.

Wilttiam A. Kearns, Jr., to be rear admiral.
Thomas C. Watson, Jr., to be Rear admiral.
William D, Smith to be Rear admalral.
Jackson EF, Parker to ba ear ednilral.
Dickinson M. Smith to be Rear adintral.
Paul &. Sutherlsnd, Jr, to be Rear adiniral.

Gerald W. Mackicsy to be Reer admiral.

Benjamin T. Hacker to be Resr admiral
Aven D. Williams to be Res? edmirct.

Charlies J. Moore to be Perce xdoiirat.
Clinton W. Taylor to Se Rear admiral
William C, Wyatt HI to Le Rear admiral.

Thomas J. Cassi2y, Jr, to be Rear aduitrel.
Robert C. Austin to be Rear adiniral.

Edward M. Peebles to bo Rear admiral

Edward H. Martin to be Rear odmiral.
William FP. McCauley to be Rearadialral.

Daniel L. Cocper to be Rear acmiral.

Walter T. Piatti, Jr., to be Rear edmiral.

Lowell R. Myers to be Rear admiral.

Fred W. Johnston, Jr., to be Rear admtral.
Peter B. Booth to be Rear adnjiral.
Paul F. McCarthy, Jr., to be Rear admiral.

Roger D. Johnson to be Rear admiral
Prank B. Kelso If to be Rear admiral.
John M. Poindexter to be Rear admiral...
IN THE Manint: Cores

Tho fallowing-nained officers of the Marine
Corps for temporary appointinens to tus Y


S 2066


Select target paragraph3