considered necessary,

Aerial survey could de conducted by the P2V's,

and in additon, the craft as it entered could be taking continusus
readings off the bow. JE the lagoon was too hot, it, of coursa,

would back off and avait further flushing.
ad. Cperationaly, TC 7.3 felt that no craft larger than a T«boat would
ever de able to utilize the lagocn.

This would eliminate the entrance

of the LSD or the ATF for an operation comparable to that conducted

Even detonating devices on the reef would hald no

assurance that another navigable passage into the lagoon had been
ereated for anything larger than T<boats.

Presence of underwater

crater lips might well prohibit larscr ship passage.

7e Personnel md Housing

During Walter Giobins's visit to Los Alamosa, he indicated that TG 7.1

(UCRL) would require gpproximatcly 50 to 60 persons at TACNGI. In
addition, bascd on his evaluation of the operation approximately 125
to 125 TG 7.5 persons would be required.

In the event that the

inetruzented ship was a AV, the majority of them could be housed

aboard that ehip. As en exemple, the CURTISS has approximstely 70
cebin spaces.

In e:‘dltion, som) portion of the estimated 175 TC 7.1

and TG 7.5 personnal could be acccmodeted by treep space. Parsormmel
which could not be ecocanodsted sbout the instrumented ship could be

quartered aboard the LSD being used as the Boat Pool ship (10 or 12
cabin spaces, ample troop space),

The personnel requirenent was discussed with JIF SEVEN and TG 7.3.
While they could make no estimate as to the mmber ef persons
reguircd, they both indicated that their recuirements would be very

= 16 «

Select target paragraph3