

In a preceding paragraph ve indicated that there would be a requiree

momt for one and probably tuo LSD's,

UCRL has indicated that they

are desirous of having the caradility of implementing a five day

firing schedule, ‘ith one LSD, under any conditions, it is found
that this is impossible te do.

Inclosure 3 shows diagravatically

the moverent of ona and two LSD's from the TACNGI area to ENTWETOK
and return with @ shot bargsa.

Contingencies such as the fact that

a boat ca negotiate the TAONGI passege only during slack water

which is four hours during daylight and four hours at night, no
deleys for adverse sea or veather conditions, or technical or timing

delays having not been considered or incluced. With one LSD and
allowing a minimm of time for check-out of the device on the shot
barge, it is estimated that no better than an eight day firing cycle

could be maintained.

With two LSD's, ons LSD could be disptiched to

ENIWETOK soon after it had discharged its previcus shot barge,


govenent would not ba curtailed cr governed by any requirement on
the part of the bert pool or by radiological ocnditions,

With two

LsDts, it is estimated that the five day firing cycle desired by
UCRL could be meinteined,

As visualised, the Toats based in the woll deck on the LSD during
the shot would not be discharged for reontry inte the lsgoon mtil
such tims as the radiologics) conditions in the lagoon rermitted.


was checked with TO 7.3 as te whether or not a helicopter radiological

survey of the lagcon vould be required before they would permit the
craft to reonter.,

While euch a survey would be gocd, it vas not


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Select target paragraph3