Seotion Ii-b


The ootual experinental work in this section has
occupied almost ths antire attention of the steff durins the


Tho adult fish, the proceny of irradited or “control”

parents, continucd to spawn.
been obt:ingl ani the

A totel oF 298 esr lots hve

eaca sturted to develope

the ecss

when removed from the fearless and fortiliazed with the spawn

Of insoles of like irradiation axpearience have been retainod in
iadividucl somportuentsa durian the incubetion period and the
absorption of the yolk sace

imming this poriod the ounmbers

of egas and fry te dio during each ataze of dovelopmant

was recorded.

The numbers and kind of malformtions were

also deternined.
The great nusbers of youn; fish produced in the project

made it necessary to reduces tle nwsbers retained, ance they
reached the fooding stase.

7orticns of aach lot were retained

to wake a total sauple of 4000, for the control lots, 2000 for

each of the 50 r, 100 r, 500 r, and 750 r lots and 654 for
the 1000 r lote.

Only a totel of 654 fry survived from the

ese3 oF the udult fiah fron purents exnosed to 1000 r pricr
te spowning in tho aprins of 1945.

The samples being

dtained o¢ the vouns “lsh ure bein: studied for the effacts

of irradi. tion or ihe 3rd zsner:tion during the feeding atazgea.
nections SY-sVIT
Two adult Ash, one salo aml one fomule, returned t this
Laavesrorth itutdioun, during the uonth after two year absence,

durin’ which they sicrated to sea, fed for a time and returned
uz tuic Columbia River, enterci tha

‘enatehoe Bivor, und finally

turned int. the Leavanwerth holdin: j:ormis on icicle creak.




Select target paragraph3