SUMLARY OF OPLRATIUNS OB CONTRACT HO. i28-094-eng-33 POR THE WUNTG OF MAY 1947 AO AGE 7 During the wonth of May it was again necessary fr sll R goabers of the staff in "Applied fisheries” to isevote alnosat ell of their energios to the comluct of the oxpsrinmantal work, Yreth:r than to the analysla of dota :rcviously gatho red. Ie The basis progran of the Applied FPis:.crlaa Laboratory et the University of Washington, that of aeasuring ‘the effset of exposure of equatic organisns in various stuges of devalap- ment to Zrrnydy was continued on sehalies BEST COPY AVAILABLE “Sections I and II. | The study being asde of the secomi generation of ycung fish from the “sontrols* and the 100 r exposures was terminated. These fish have been retained for their nomal length of feoding period in .frosh water am so were liboreted to alerate to sea to continue their developuent. ‘hay were sot sarxed for sub sexuent identification for 1% wes feit that the sumbers were too few and no mrks were available. This study should bea regumed in the fall of 1947 when it is asumed the cajor portion of the rum will return from the sea to spawn. & sample of 100 flesh was preserved from cach of the four lotsa in the section. ‘These fish will be subjcoted to close study to record in ss mich detail aa pessible the differencas from the normal of the offspring of parat fish produced fron parents treeted with 100 r total bedy irrdi:.tion with %-rersa. *Section numbers refer to the Project Chronolocry Chart, revised Janucry J» 1947- TEDARTRMAENT OF ENERGY URCLASSIFICATION REVIEW 7] HOR! NGLE wr REVIEW Aut 5 Yn2-" F REVIEWER (ADD): “7a pate: - . jf - Lu it ranean DETERMINATION {CIRCLE NUMBERES}} EELASSIFIC ATION RETAINED 2. CLASSIFICATION. CHANGED TO: IN 3. CONTAINS NO DOE CLASSIFIED 4. COORDMIATR WITH: . fie & “ PCLASSETED Pee BREESE 7, OTHER (SPECI YH ENTAY OPENNET Pubic Rotase Wr [Oy *thorzeste: . . a By; Sp esi» Date: | 7d Date abe in OpenNet By: [LJ Not Authorized tor Public Release 8 y Date: Cate : DOK ARCHIVES