cared for by the Us. 3. Mish and Wildlife Service, with tha data on the progress of the developuent being furnished to this laboratary. Il. Studies on the abaorption and retantion of radisective materials wers acntinued but at a reduced soaleae A asoale 64 Vietoreean counter Yo. X-327 was obteinad and has been put into @ worknebic scorndii tion. Iii. The proposed follow-up studies of the Bikini Lagoon far the samacr of 1947 have been teins more definite form, Equipmert ani personnel are being assembled to carry out this work. IV. The raesuaption of telephone service has made Lt possible te acein follow in eloser detall the progress of the program at the 146 Building, Hanford Engineering ‘orks. A Visit was mde to the Janford Engineering works by Dr. Le Re Donsldeon on day 20, to atudy developousnts and to sorter with the man in charge of the operations of the laboratories. lr. Hountford, Security officer of Hanford Sugineering forks visited the Applied Fisheries Laboratory on May 7s Dre Stafford Le Warren, Chairman, Interim Nedical Committee, Atomic Energy Commission vialted the Laboratories on Zsy 24 to confer vith staff smenbers uni to study the development af the varicus phases af the projacte US DOE ARCHIVES 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ff RG —De€ Collection Box Folder _ WIAA // SR | 4i - KiQean irolhihYrDonal rablen ) oon Sor Directer of Contreat Ho. 28-0 F4~ong-33 S38. StL NG ZL. 7 _) a” co