


conclusion of theso Statosidos mcctings, the Commm dor of Task Group


. was satisfied that tho procedures wuld

truly placo the aircraft in a safo pesition if he providod e« correct

yield forecast on which to basa the docision of positioning.

On 20 Fobruary, tho finel positioning meeting was hold at
Perry Island.

At thet tim


coumented that he hed rececivod

tho final forecast of yicld for tho BR.VO device, which vosEY

as a maximum yicld and

as a probable yicld.

This devico,

insisted that tho positioning of the cffects aircraft should be based on
the maximum possible, becauso of doubt in his own mind cs to the cazploto


“ith this thought in mind, the wmmittoe concurred md

positioned the B--36 at 50,000 fect horizontal rango and 33,000 foct

altitude, and tho B47 at 48,006 foot horizontal rmge and 35,000
fect altitude.
BRiVO was scheduled for 0645 on 1 March.

The wonther was considorcd

satisfactory and -11 task groups were ready for tho operation,

«it 0€°%,

the device was detonated] and the results appeared to be extrenely
good from the observers' point of view at Eniwotok.
The take-off schoJule for airersft was closcly adher2d to and
samplo collucting by manned aircraft commenced.

Firttoor P-84C and two

FB-36 typo” aircraft wore used for this purpose.

Zt was considered uh

12 operntiohal F-@4's could constitute the required number cf samplers.

In addition, a W2-29, with "shoc box" type sanpler, was cnmployod at



Select target paragraph3