
HAL hour for tho purpos? of obtaining samplos which the scientists
hoped would contain heavy clomonts,

Tho two FB-36 oircraft wore uscd

in an attonpt to obtain samples at highor altitudes.

Speciflcially, it

wes the casire to got samples in tho main cloud in on offort to dotcrmine whcthor they wore more rapresentativo than thoso below the main

Sampling progrossod as planncd and tho heavy nuclide samples

from tho WB-29 and somo gas samples from the F-84's wore transported
from Eniwctok to Parry in minimumtinc py H-19 and L-13 type aircraft,
which woro standing by for that purpose.

Tho other samplos destined

for the Unitcd States wore rocovered from tho arcraft, packaged and
transportod to tho C-97 aircraft for shipment as outlined above.
addition to tho samplo plm abovo, a C-47 aircraft was stancizg

In-= 7
by fern

immediate dispatch to Bikini .itoll for rocovery of samples in that

These aircraft wore never callod for,
The oquipnont in tho control RB-36H opcrated satisfactorily with

ranges in excess of 75 miles for both upper and lowor raders.
radio beacon wes held at 175 milos and used for «DF,


The control

mission was a success from a redar standpoint.
Tho radar cquipment in tho offects aircraft also porforned
satisfactorily as did the 100 control cauimnent,

No failures occurred

and the 40C was able to perform the control mission fur their assigned

During the operation, the Raydist systom monitoring tho B-3SD
foiled, possibly duc to an error of

ons of tho Hastings engincors.



Select target paragraph3