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airborno transponders in the period Be3 to Bel,

During this opera-

tion all assignod oircraft had operating transponders.

However, the

transponders in one VIKING aircraft and one HARDTIME aircraft, not

considered as assigned aircraft, wore not operational.

This equip-

ment had been inspectcd prior to mission and it was belicved that
the possibility of operator crror could account for this failure.
This equipment was not available for inspection subsequent to tho

The Raydist transmitters in ELAINE 1 and 2 wore inspected on
B-1 and found to be oporating properly.

Lhe plate moter in the 3.47

transmitter was found to be defective, but this did not impair


operation in any manner as tuning could be accamplished with other



Tho condition was reported and Hastings personnel were


to furnish a roplacament,
Prior to tho mission it was necossary to discard the storage

battorics that had furnishod tho primary power sourco for tho Raydist
gound stations.

This was beccuse of unanticipated drain,

The bat-

terics wero replaced with geaolino driven auxiliary power units

and this change was comploted by B~3 days when Hastings porsonnel
boardad the USS Curtiss for oper-tion of the recording stction,

Mectings had been held, prior to movement of the operations to
the Pacific Proving Ground, which involved the methods and criteria
used for positioning aircraft,

tho organization resjgunsible for the

safe positioning of airercft was the WADC, which had subcontracted the
technical portion to ALlicd Research associates and UCLA,


«at the


Select target paragraph3