The flyaway aircraft scheduled for use in return of BRAVO radioactive samples to the Zone of Interior arrived on schedule in accordance with the MATS Operation Order 6--54.

The crews wore briefed and

all details of coordination accomplished in accordance with Annex "U"
of Joint Task Force SEVEN Operations Order 3-53.

Botween 0700 and 0745

on B-Day the first two flyawey aircraft were positioned in front of the

MiTS Terminal nose-to-tail so as to be ready for loading the smples
and immediate departure,

at 1437 and 1452M,

These two aircraft departed on BRiVO Day

No difficulty was exporienced in the operation of

the first two flyaways.

The third flyaway departed close to its de-


parture time, but was unable to return all of the sanples because of

heavy fall-out from BRAVO detonation which did ndt allow for completo

sample recovery.

It departed 1800M on B41.

The fourth fliyaway





held over to load on additional samples delayed becauso of the afore~

montionod fall-out.

Its departure time was 1450M on By6,

The operation

was observed and from comments received appearcd to progress witnout
difficulty and as plmneod.

Ono comment received was the fact that the

MATS Terminal at Eniwctok transmitted dcparturo times using the incorrect

date when converted to Zebra times,

This was brought to tho atteation

of the MiTS personnol and wasn't likely to happen on subsequent


On B2, thorough inspections were performed on airdurna iF ccnurck
and radar equipment, the airborno beacon, md the interrogator systom
in the A0C.

All cquipment was in peak operating conditicn.


persounel accomplished operational chocks and calibration of ail


Select target paragraph3