
Task Foree SEVEN's request for

Si-16 support in the forward orca.


Rescue Service directed the 76th Air iicscue Squadron to furnish three (3)
Si-16 aircraft and crews to be w.der the operational control of Joint
Task Foree SEVEN for the duration of the CASTLE operation,

A TWX was

forwarded from Task Group 7.4 to the Cormandcr, P.CDIVMATS, information
copy to ARS in Washington, D.C., tcllins tho: that the aircraft would bo
assigned under the operationel control of the 4930th Test Support Group

and it was required that waintenance personnel be furnished with the aircraft and that spare varts be nrovided,®
With the additional SA-16 crews to be stationed at Eniwetok it was
necessary to provide billeting space for them.

On the cishth of Maroh™

a letter was forwarded to Task Group 7.5 requesting construction of .gig ~
(6) adlitional personnel tents in the Air Foree arca for these crews.
The first dclay of the CLSTLE scrics bean on the seventh of harch
when it was epperent that the upper winds wero unsuitable for shooting the
sCMEO shot.

Fall-out, as experienced on EU.V0O, was felt to be too severe

to permit shooting when upper winls would indicate possible contamination of
amy civilized arcas,

To preclude visitation of Project Participants when

no shot was actually lisinent, a TWX was forwarded on the seventh of hiarch
to SaC and iFSWC informins them of the shot Aclays.?°

ilso, on the

thirteonth of March, further information concorming the delays was forwerdca. +
During this period of relative inactivity, or shot delcy, nectinss were being
held on the roll-up plan, final report, cte.

The initial mecting on the

roll-up plan was held on the ninth of Merch and the airlift rocuirouents for



Ltr fr TG 7.4 to 147.5, subj: "Construction of Atditional Tent Fra.cs",
dtd 8 Mar 54, TG 4698,

167-4 Hse:
167.4 Msg:

TGG 3-73,
TGG 3-164.

Select target paragraph3