‘etdcns which could be taken to better the effort for the renoining
CiSTLE shots,

Instructions were forwarded to the Test sircraft Unit to

take the action which


The first accident of the Air Task Group, involving cirereft, occurred
on the third of March.

It was a minor accident which danazed a rotor blade

of an H-19 and the left clevator of an SA-16.

It was a taxi accident, a

full account of which was handled cs ce seperato matter in accordmce with
fir Foree resulations,.
During the nonth of February it becare apparent in tho scheculin:; of
Project Participants that full coorlinction with Joint Task Force SEVAN
had not been accomplished,

Some of the Project Participants who had a

"need to know", concerning information available in briefings ;iven by
Joint Task Force SEVEN, were not allowed to jzrticipate in such briefings
even though they had a QUEBEC clearance.

This was duc to a iisumlerstand-

ing on initial coordination. To completely clarify responsibilities ccncerning froject Participant scheduling, the Doputy Conmmanter of Task Group

74 visited Joint Task Force SEVEN and discussed the matter with

It was agreed that, in the future, the

Yroject Particizants who had a "need to know" and who had a ‘,UEDEC
clearance would be permitted to attend Joint Task Foros SEVEN bricfings

provided DMA had no objections.

The coiplete plan for Project rarticipzant

scheduling was drawn up into a rrogretuxing Plan, subject:

"Information for

Project Participants", ’
Qn the fifth of lerch an informiation copy of a TUX to the 76th Air
nescue Squadron at Hickan “FB inlicate! that action had been taken on Joint



TG #3-3185SiD,

TG 7.4 Programing Plan 2-54, (t° 6 Her 54.

Select target paragraph3